Comments on: Picture Books for Little Inventors and Engineers Screen-Free Activities and Books for Kids Fri, 22 Dec 2023 23:09:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tanya Mon, 08 Mar 2021 14:45:29 +0000 Great article!

By: Aimee Wed, 24 May 2017 22:28:51 +0000 Thank you for sharing! Almost all these are new to me and I'm sure my free-spirite kids will love them. Requesting the lot of them from the library right now 🙂

By: Erica MomandKiddo Tue, 06 Oct 2015 12:02:23 +0000 In reply to Julie.

I tried to get ahold of that book to read for this list, but alas, our library did not have a copy.

By: Janelle Sat, 03 Oct 2015 00:26:01 +0000 We've used several of these books as inspiration in our Family Inventors Class. We read Papa's Mechanical Fish, then tinkered with building a watertight "submarine" from an Easter egg. We read I Built a House, then built houses with foam insulation panels, toy hammers, and golf tees. We read Awesome Dawson on robot day, and Violet the Pilot with our flight unit. Read more about our STEM related activities for kids at

By: Julie Fri, 02 Oct 2015 00:44:19 +0000 Andrew Henry's Meadow, while pretty old fashioned when it comes to gender issues, is pretty great. My girls love it.

By: Mary Sun, 16 Aug 2015 02:39:20 +0000 Monkey with a Tool Belt and Monkey with a Tool Belt and the Noisy Problem, are on our most-read-books pile here. We haven't tried the third one yet, I'm saving it for a Christmas present, as the first two were.\

By: Christine Thu, 07 May 2015 00:27:57 +0000 I would add a book that should be right up your alley: Richard Scarey's What Do People Do All Day! My tinker loved this book from a very young age because it shows how some people make roads, and some make houses and some grow wheat and others turn the wheat to flour and others bake the flour into bread.

By: Erica MomandKiddo Wed, 22 Apr 2015 13:54:38 +0000 In reply to Kimberly Hopkins.

Thanks for the suggestions! We have some of these books on other lists, but a few are new to me!

By: Kimberly Hopkins Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:39:57 +0000 In reply to Erica MomandKiddo.

Some other titles to add to the list: Juckyard Wonders by Patricia Polacco; Dumpster Diver by Janet S. Wong; Sea Clocks: The Story of Longitude by Louise Borden; Now & Ben: The Modern Inventions of Benjamin Franklin by Gene Barretta; Neo Leo: The Ageless Ideas of Leonardo da Vinci by Gene Barretta; The Boy Who Invented TV: The Story of Philo Farnsworth by Kathleen Krull; Mr. Ferris and His Wheel by Kathryn Davis; Blockhead: The Life of Fibonacci by Joseph D'Agnese; The Real McCoy: The Life of an African-American Inventory by Wendy Towle

By: Erica MomandKiddo Mon, 01 Dec 2014 13:56:06 +0000 In reply to Zoe.

For sure I would add The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires.
