Comments on: Best Toddler Books, or Books I'll Miss Reading Screen-Free Activities and Books for Kids Wed, 01 Nov 2023 18:53:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Crystal Sun, 13 May 2018 13:24:02 +0000 Such a great list! Thanks so much for sharing. My older kids still love Sandra Boynton's books, and now they read them to their baby brother. Goodnight Gorilla was another favorite of ours. We read it so often our cover fell off!

By: Erica Sun, 25 Dec 2016 16:39:00 +0000 In reply to Sarah.

Thank you for the recommendation. I like Morstad's illustrations a lot so I will look for it!

By: Sarah Wed, 21 Dec 2016 13:45:57 +0000 I love your booklists! A new discovery with our second little was The Swing by Robert Louis Stevenson, illustrated by Julie Morstad - classic text with inclusive images.

By: Mika Inamahoro Fri, 12 Dec 2014 07:17:39 +0000 Thank you for your blog that I just discovered through Pinterest... keep up the good work.... your positive energy radiates all the way to Kigali in Rwanda, center of Africa... :))

By: Erica MomandKiddo Thu, 29 May 2014 14:12:02 +0000 In reply to Jen.

That is wonderful! Thanks for sharing that with me.

By: Jen Thu, 29 May 2014 12:56:04 +0000 10 Little Fingers and 10 Little Toes was my youngest boy's 'special book' that I always read to him at bedtime - I really miss reading it!

PS I wanted to share with you something from my boys' school I thought you might be interested in - the teachers have set up what they call a 'reading tent' in the school playground. It's just a normal camping-style tent with some cushions inside, and every day 4 kids are chosen to have their turn in the 'reading tent' at recess and lunchtime. I couldn't work out why my boys were so excited about it - I mean they can read any time they like at school in the playground or the library etc (not to mention we have a tent permanently set up in our back yard with books/games etc). But my older boy was beside himself with excitement when it was his turn in the reading tent and went off to school armed with 5 books just so he didn't run out of things to read. After school he said he and his 3 friends spent all recess and lunchtime reading in the tent and it was 'fantastic' - I think from talking to him that what made it so exciting was that it was a special place that only they were allowed to go into and they could tell everyone else to keep out, I guess there aren't many places at a busy school where kids can have their own territory - even if just for a day. I thought it was a fun way of encouraging some extra reading and showed that it doesn't take much to get kids enthusiastic about hanging out with their friends and some good books!

By: Miss Courtney Sun, 15 Apr 2012 16:46:04 +0000 I NEVER have to stop reading picture books because it's my job! Bobo and I have lots of favorites... Lift-the-flap books like Spot and Karen Katz (Where's Baby's Bellybutton). The Dinosaur VS books (the potty and bedtime, especially). One that gets him laughing is There's a Monster at the End of this Book, Grover voice is a must!

By: Little Wonders' Days Wed, 15 Feb 2012 11:40:04 +0000 Yes, yes, yes! I miss reading some of the little classics. I think it's a mix of a great book, but also remembering them being so small.

By: Preschool Math Online Tue, 14 Feb 2012 10:24:26 +0000 im enjoying the comments 🙂 keep up your good work:)

By: Raising a Happy Child Mon, 13 Feb 2012 15:44:33 +0000 Great list. Richard Scarry books were always among our favorites. Thanks for joining WMCIR!
