Comments on: Children's Books that Address Incarceration and Detention Screen-Free Activities and Books for Kids Sun, 23 Apr 2023 17:30:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ruth Sun, 23 Apr 2023 17:30:15 +0000 Your site is extremely helpful and nessecary. I just wanted to introduce you to a new book for children with incarcerated parents called Extra Love. It is written from a christian perspective, but not tied to any religion or denomination. IT really give kids answers when dealing with this most difficult and tragic issue. It would be awesome if you could feature it here as well. Thank you.

By: Becky Korinek Sat, 27 Mar 2021 20:53:32 +0000 I love your blog. I'm a fifth grade teacher, mother and blogger. You rock.

By: Amber Wildman Tue, 23 Feb 2021 16:45:51 +0000 We need to teach our children all of life and I love that you don't shy away from these topics - neither do I! Consequently, I have a very compassionate and socially aware ten year old. Some of these are new to me! My husband is a retired Corrections Officer and I worked mental health for a number of years and we can both tell your readers who may be nervous of these topics that institutions are full of human beings. Some need to be there, many do not. There are a multitude of reasons why people are incarcerated in all manner of facilities, be it criminal, medical, immigration-based and we can measure our humanity upon our responses to this. Every single incarcerated person has a family and that family lives among us all and they deserve to be recognized by a well-informed and compassionate society. Keep these tough reads coming Erica!
