Comments on: Children's Books about War Screen-Free Activities and Books for Kids Thu, 12 Oct 2023 17:19:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Antonina Tue, 20 Dec 2022 12:29:31 +0000 In reply to Erica.

Thanks for recommendation, I'll try it.

By: Erica Mon, 19 Dec 2022 17:26:47 +0000 In reply to Antonina.

Hi Antonina, How War Changed Rondo may be a good book for you.

By: Antonina Sun, 18 Dec 2022 10:08:54 +0000 We are from Russia (and also have relatives in Ukraine under bombing). Now fled to Israel, where war is ongoing reality. We can't come home because of they can mobilize my husband and there are many other hazards like random arrests and torture. We also can't stay in Israel forever (I hope for year or two) and actually don't know where are we going next. And I really don't know how to explain all this to my 8-year old. We don't even have enemies, our country is invader. We want it to lose. And why we came to country where chance to be bombed even higher (for now). And why some people can be very angry at us and consider us culprits of the war (even him). And why can't we stop the war, maybe arrest our president, give him some pills (if he is crazy). Why even people even start the war, if they also can get killed. I don't know what to say and what to read to him to explain all this. May be you give me a hint, I can't choose the book by their descriptions.

By: Erica Fri, 10 Jun 2022 11:44:17 +0000 In reply to Lee.

Thanks for the input, that makes sense. The secret in Captain Rosalie is that her father's letters contain the anguish of being in a war.

By: Lee Thu, 09 Jun 2022 15:39:31 +0000 One more thing - I realized it would be helpful for some of these, to include "spoilers." For example, what is the secret that Rosalie learns in Captain Rosalie? For adults, knowing these details would help with selecting books.

By: Lee Thu, 09 Jun 2022 15:15:34 +0000 Thank you for this list! I am a mom and I work in peace advocacy. My first grader came home from school after Memorial Day with all sorts of grandiose ideas about "freedom" and "heroes," with nothing to temper the false ideas that war protects us and soldiers are always proud and good. She knows that mom works to stop wars, but we apparently hadn't talked enough about what that means. We talked about it, but I also wanted to find some resources to help counter what she heard at school. All I could think of was Dr. Suess' The Butter Battle Book, a good one but I wanted something more grounded in specific realities. I started searching for kids' anti-war books, and came up pretty spare until I found this list. So many great choices, now I just have to decide where to start!

By: LeeAnne Wed, 01 Jun 2022 14:06:22 +0000 Wow, I am SO glad my father is not alive to see this article. The FUTILITY of war? Tell that to the Jews liberated by the allied forces!!!

By: Erica Mon, 14 Mar 2022 17:58:03 +0000 In reply to Kelly Kline.

I'm so glad you like the book list!

By: Kelly Kline Mon, 14 Mar 2022 15:43:02 +0000 Wow! After teaching elementary school for 35 years, I have used books to help explain what is happening in the world, good or bad, in so many ways. This list is an amazing compilation to help children understand the world they are living in today. Thank you…
