These winter picture books are perfect for reading aloud to kids when everyone is snuggled up with a cup of hot apple cider and a plate of gingersnaps.
Even if you live in the desert I bet you find it so comforting and magical to look at children's books filled with snowy landscapes! Whether you favorite winter activities are ice skating and sledding, or building snowmen and snow forts, these titles will inspire your kids to actually bundle up and go outside!
So read aloud to your children during the short winter days and long winter nights. Because before you know it, spring will be here, and you'll be checking out one of these spring family read alouds!

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The Magical Snowflake by Bernette Ford, illustrated by Erin Robinson
Ori and her friends eagerly await the arrival of snow so they can build snowmen, throw snowballs and enjoy wintery white fun. Then, a single, magical snowflake begins the transformation of the community, culminating in the cheerful wishes of a "merry winter."
Winter: A Solstice Story by Kelsey E. Gross, illustrated by Renata Liwska
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In this beautifully illustrated selection, the animals of the woods gather to share a story of hope, kindness and friendship on the longest night of the year.
I'm Going to Build a Snowman by Jashar Awan
When a boy wakes up with the excitement of fresh snow he jumps at the chance to build the best snowman ever! As he gets ready to go outside he declares his intentions again and again. Enthusiastically, he perseveres and although when readers are presented with the best snowman ever, their opinions may differ. But their smiles will be big.
Goodbye Autumn, Hello Winter by Kenard Park
Two children go for a walk to explore nature as they experience the transition from fall to winter. The see animals preparing for the cold, the trees dropping all of their leaves. Back at home and snuggled safe in their beds the snow begins to fall and upon waking they rediscover the landscape, this time blanketed in snow.
MORE: Picture books to inspire a love of nature
Cold Snap by Ellen Spinelli, illustrated by Marjorie Priceman
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The days are getting colder and colder, the icicles getting longer and longer. The people of the town are getting fed up with the frigid weather! But then, the whole community gets together for a winter surprise orchestrated by the mayor's wife.
A Perfect Day by Carin Berger
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Carin Berger's concise text about a sublime day of snowy play is paired with creative collage illustrations. It's hard to beat this joyful winter picture book depicting a diverse group of children frolicking in a winter wonderland.
Lemonade in Winter: A Book About Two Kids Counting Money by Emily Jenkins, illustrated by G. Brian Karas
I know, it sounds crazy to set up a lemonade stand in the snow, but these young entrepreneurs will not be dissuaded. Your kids will be singing a catchy little tune, setting up their own stand and counting their change by the time you finish reading.
The Tea Party in the Woods by Akiko Miyakoshi
Kikko follows her father through the woods with a pie that her father has forgotten on the way to grandmother's house. Along the way she stops for a tea party with the woodland animals. The real star of this winter picture book is the illustrations.
MORE: Books about Tea Parties
The First Day of Winter by Denise Fleming
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Here's a fun diverse winter picture book to add to your preschool bookshelf. Fleming's signature torn paper collage illustration sparkle in this cumulative tale about a boy joyfully building a snowman.
Iguanas in the Snow: And Other Winter Poems / Iguanas en la Nieve: Y Otros Poemas de Invierno by Francisco X. Alarcón
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This bilingual collection of poems is part of a four book series spanning the seasonal year. Each short, free verse poem is in both Spanish and English, presenting snapshots of a diverse group of children enjoying wintery life to the fullest.
MORE: Winter Poetry for Kids
Immi's Gift by Karin Littlewood
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This is a lovely story about how people in distant locations can still be connected, and how when it is winter one place, it's not winter in another! Immi goes fishing and pulls out a little wooden bird on her line. She gets a new surprise every day which connects her to a faraway boy on a sunny beach.
MORE: Books about the Northern Lights
When This World Was New by D H Figueredo, illustrated by Enrique O. Sanchez
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Danilito and his family have immigrated to the United States from their warm Caribbean home. The family faces common anxieties of moving to a new country such as the search for work, learning a new language and adapting to new customs. When it begins to snow, their anxieties are suspended. The novelty of snowfall for the first time lifts up everyone's spirit and fills them with the hope of new beginnings.
Snow in Jerusalem by Deborah da Costa, illustrated by Cornelius Van Wright
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Avi lives in the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem and Hamudi in the Muslim quarter. Unbeknownst to each other, they each take care of the same white cat which has been traveling between the two homes. When the cat disappears, each boy worries. Avi ends up following the cat's trail to Hamudi's home. When they meet, the boys bicker over ownership. However, when a rare snowfall begins in Jerusalem, the boys put aside their differences to look for the cat.
Tracks in the Snow by Wong Herbert Yee
I love this little book about a girl following tracks in the snow. I can recite the rhythmic text almost from memory I read it so many times!
Once Upon a Snowstorm by Richard Johnson
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I fell head over heel in love with this book’s illustrations. In the woods a father and son are separated as the snow begins to fall and blanket the landscape. The boy falls asleep but wakes up to find himself surrounded by animals who become his friends.
MORE: Winter Picture Books with Inclusive Characters
Anna's Wish by Bruno Hachler
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This Swiss import is magical. Anna has never seen snow because it stopped snowing in her village before she was born. Her mother tells Anna stories of how magical the snowfall used to be so Anna gets out her sled and makes a very special wish.
Snow by Uri Shulevitz
I love a subtle touch of absurdity in my picture books. It starts with just a few flakes, and no one but a boy and his dog think it will amount to much. Soon, however, the flakes turn to flurries and the flurries turn to blankets of snow and the boy know just how to enjoy the winter wonderland.
MORE: Books about the Northern Lights
Over and Under the Snow by Kate Messner
A girl and her father ski through the snowy woods. As she glides along, she narrates the habits of animals that live under the snow and those that roam the woody landscape. A soothing read aloud, and the informative endnotes include further details about the animals featured in the book.
Red Sled by Lita Judge
I love this nearly wordless picture book about a girl going for the sled ride of her life. Spare, onomatopoeic text accompanies the illustrations depicting the joy of a sledding adventure that includes lots of furry friends.
MORE: Winter Chapter Books to Read Aloud
Blizzard by John Rocco
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In 1978, a blizzard dumped fifty-three inches of snow on the author’s town in Rhode Island. This story is based on his experience. First the protagonist is excited for the snow, but then as it keeps falling, the danger of his family and neighbors being stranded without food becomes very real. The young boy rises to the occasion and straps rackets to his feet to make his way to the store.
Snow by Cynthia Rylant
Poetic text conveys a joyous celebration of snow. Mounds of snow and fluffy flakes fill the illustrations of diverse faces enjoying the beauty of winter.
Snow Sounds: An Onomatopoeic Story by David A. Johnson
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This onomatopoeic snow poem is a joy to read. Snow falls at night, covering everything with its lush white blankets. In the morning, machines and people begin to dig out: a father with a snow blower, different sized snow plows and a boy with his shovel. I loved this book and its ability to convey both the quiet and the excitement of a thick snowfall.
MORE: Winter Poems Kids Love!
Snowflake Sisters by J. Patrick Lewis
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Two snowflakes dance among the millions of others and then hitch a ride on Santa's sleigh to New York City where they enjoy the festivities in Times Square. I enjoyed the collage illustrations and the artist's use of maps to create the buildings. Kids will love taking a closer look.
When It Starts to Snow by Phillis Gershator
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What do all the animals do when it starts to snow? This book asks that question and its repetitive, rhyming format makes this snow book a winsome choice for reading aloud to groups of children.
The Story of Snow: The Science of Winter's Wonder by Mark Cassino
This nonfiction book about snow is an excellent choice for elementary-aged children who want to learn more about the science of snow. It includes clear explanations about how snowflakes form, and their properties. Illustrations and photographs of snowflakes will encourage children to look closely and marvel at "winter's wonder."
More wondrous winter reading:
Even in Australia says
I love The Reader but the NYPL doesn't have it! A Perfect Day by Carin Berger is also nice.
Mom and Kiddo says
Yup, BPL doesn't have it either. We had to read it in the bookstore.
Megan D. Neal says
I've read a few of these, but some are new to me. Thanks for the heads up. Are these all books from this year?
Mom and Kiddo says
Yes, they were all published 2012 -- some just recently but others back in the early months of the year.
Even in Australia says
I bought it... I think it was only $4.99 on Amazon. We do go to our indie bookstore a lot but that price was too hard to resist.
Mom and Kiddo says
Yes, I know what you mean. Whenever I buy books for gifts I go to the indie store, but when I come across books I wouldn't normally buy but find a super deal online, I do use Amazon. I remember seeing that price for The Reader and being very tempted!
Natalie says
The Reader and The Blue were lovely, the rest we haven't read. Our daughter is yet to see real snow 🙂
Book Lover says
I just found this one but I love winter picture books too! Winter Story and the Secret Staircase by Jill Barklem, A Coming of Winter in the Adirondaks, Snow Comes to the Farm, Angelina Ice Skates, and The Swan's Gift.
Erica MomandKiddo says
Thank you for the suggestions.
Suzanne Holt says
I was unfamiliar with these books which is surprising to me. Thanks for the suggestions. Pinned.
Erica MomandKiddo says
Thanks Suzanne!