Miniature worlds are a staple of childhood. These books about fairies and dollhouses and other tiny creatures will spark your child's imagination. This book list appeals to the 6 year old in me, which is why I know your kids will love every one of these picture books—and these books are not just for girls! I read them to my boys and they loved them. The desire to rule over wee dominions is not limited to one gender. 🙂

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Table of contents
Books about Dollhouses
This is My Dollhouse by Giselle Potter. A girl describes her wonderful handmade dollhouse, with its paper cup elevator, tiny box TV with a changeable picture, and bowl-turned-rooftop pool. But when she visits her friend Sophie, who has a perfectly staged dollhouse, the friends can't figure out how to play with it. I adored this book, which is a lovely testament to the imagination and how kids who feel ownership over their creations can soar.
Tale of Two Bad Mice by Beatrix Potter. This was one of my all time favorite books when I was a kid. Before I could read, I had the whole thing memorized and would sit and "read" it aloud over and over. It's the classic tale of two very curious mice who investigate the local dollhouse while its regular residents are on an outing.
Toby's Doll's House by Ragnhild Scamell, illustrated by Adrian Reynolds. Toby wants a dollhouse, but the adults can't seem to understand why a boy would want a dollhouse. They assume he must mean a farm, or a toy parking lot! When the adults don't listen, Toby uses his imagination to turn the gifts into what he really wants, a house for dolls.
Miss Suzy by Miriam Young, illustrated by Arnold Lobel. Read this classic story about a sweet little squirrel who, after her tree house is taken over by the mean red squirrels, makes her home in a dollhouse. Miss Suzy misses her leafy house, however, and tells her sad tale to the local toy soldiers who help her reclaim her abode. A cute, old-fashioned and over-looked classic about kindness that makes a perfect bedtime story.
MORE: Best Classic Fairy Tale Picture Books for Children
The Mouse Mansion. This a rather amazing book by a Dutch artist. Karina Schaapman constructed an entire miniature world for apartment-dwelling mice. A little known fact about me is that I am obsessed with miniature things. This book contains 17 stories about the neighborly adventures of two mice, Julia and Sam. Julia lives with her mom in a small space, while Sam lives with his extended family. It is a lovely, fascinating book full of old-fashioned fun and simply marvelous photography of an intricate and tiny world.
Tiny Town and Tiny Farm by Suzy Ultman. Chronicle Books sent me these two adorable books and I immediately fell in love. Each sweet board book is only 6 inches tall and as you read it tiny cut outs reveal tiny surprises. Children can even stand them up on the table or floor to use in their pretend play scenarios. Quite delightful.
MORE: 51 (Out of the Box) Picture Books You Must Read to Your Kids
Books about Fairies and Wee Folk
The Dollhouse Fairy by Jane Ray. Let's start off this section with a book about dollhouses and fairies! Rosy finds a disheveled, hungry fairy with broken wings in her dollhouse! With her own father in the hospital, Rosy nurtures Thistle the Fairy back to health and can't wait to introduce Thistle to her father. But when her father returns home, Thistle has flown away. A sweet book with appealing illustrations.
MORE: Our Favorite Fairy Tale Retellings
A Fairy Friend by Sue Fliess, illustrated by Claire Keane. Every child has wondered how to make a fairy friend! This book teaches you how, which showing that fairies are everywhere. The book is sparse on plot but I adored it. Lovely illustrations will feed any child's (and adult's) imagination!
Flower Fairies of the Spring by Cicely Mary Barker. What would a book list about fairies be without Cicely Mary Barker? These classic poems, are a must read, even if only for the wonderful illustrations. There are four books, one for each season.
MORE: Celtic and Irish Folktales
If You See a Fairy Ring: A Rich Treasury of Classic Fairy Poems illustrated by Susanna Lockheart is a wonderful collection of poems. Some of them may be a bit over the head of the youngest children, but the clever paper engineering with delight everyone.
Bloom by Doreen Cronin is a book after my 6 year old heart. Bloom is a mud fairy in a glass kingdom. When the glass kingdom becomes brittle, the royal family goes in search of a magical creature who can help them. They scorn the mud fairy because she does not fit the mold of what they were expecting. Finally, a servant girl learns the secret of mud magic from Bloom and they work to save the kingdom. Wonderful and magical, with a dash of practicality.
The Fairy House Handbook by Liza Gardner Walsh, illustrated by Amy Whilton. Originally, I was only going to include fiction picture books but I couldn't resist this book with photographs to inspire kids to build their own fairy houses! I know what I'm going to be doing this weekend!
April and Esme Tooth Fairies by Bob Graham. April is about to get her first tooth fairy assignment. She is so excited, but first she must convince her parents to let her and her sister, Esme, venture forth on their own. Kids will enjoy seeing tooth fairies texting and getting calls on cell phones!
Peter in Blueberry Land by Elsa Beskow. If you want to feed your child's imagination look no further than books by Elsa Beskow. I have a particular soft spot for this title about a boy who shrinks down to the size of the local pixies and fairies to find the perfect gift for his mother. Your kids will love any and all of Beskow' marvelously illustrated books.
MORE: Summer picture books to read aloud
The Little Gardener by Emily Hughes. A very little gardener brings large-sized beauty to his garden. The little gardener works hard tending nature and the reader looks at the wonders of nature from his perspective. When a full-sized girl takes over the tending, kids will enjoy comparing how they see a garden to how the little guy does. Marvelous illustrations.
MORE: Nature Picture Books
katieh says
Oooh can i suggest another one?
The Little Girl and the Tiny Doll by Aingelda Ardizzone which is a short but lovely book about a girl who finds a tiny doll in a supermarket chest freezer and so goes home and makes her some tiny clothes. (tiny sewing and tiny dolls! *hearteyes*
Erica says
Thank you for the recommendations.
Laura Louison says
We adore this book! I had to find it used, as it is not in print any longer, sadly.
Nancy says
FYI Barker has more flower fairy books. I know of the trees and the hedgerow but think there is even more. We also love the Brambly Hedge books, which have beautiful illustrations of the mice homes and stores. It would be the perfect addition to this list. Also Mouse House and Dolls House by Rumer Godden. Actually too many to count! My daughter loves all this right now so we are building quite a collection. Thanks for introducing a few new ideas!
PS we love Elsa Beskow
Erica says
Thanks for the recommendations.
Noreen says
Oh my goodness! I though we had fairy books and tales about other wee creatures covered in our house but there are some on your list that are new to me. Will have to check them out from the library right away. I think my daughter will LOVE "This is my dollhouse" as she is always making things out of odds and ends for her fairies and dolls. Thanks, Erica!!!
Erica says
Enjoy! Happy reading.
Rebekah Gienapp says
The dollhouse books take me back to the dollhouse my grandfather built for me, which was modeled on our family's cabin. So many happy hours spent playing there!
Another fairy book we love is The Faery's Gift by Tonya Robyn Batt.
Erica says
Thanks for the suggestion!
Sarah says
You would like Tumtum and Nutmeg...a series of books about two mice in England who live in the cottage of a family and their adventures helping the children in the cottage.
Erica says
Great book! It's on my chapter books for preschoolers list!
JW says
There are more "boyish" books in this theme too like the Steadfast Tin Soldier, Tom Thumb and The Little Inch Boy. Also The Borrowers is an old classic, along with The Mouse and the Motorcycle. .
Erica says
Thanks for the recommendations.
Sara O'Leary says
The Doll People books by Ann M. Martin and Laura Godwin are middle grade novels but there is a picture book related to the series as well.
Very interested in this list as I am currently working on a picture book set in a dollhouse!
Erica says
I love The Doll People! Great suggestion.
JS says
I would like to recommend another book "How to Keep a Fairy" by Tom & Joy McGuire
Hazel says
My daughter (aged nearly 8) has challenged me to find her new books to read about dolls houses. She adores a set of 3 books about mice that live in a tea-cup house starting with “meet the twitches” by Hayley Scott which has beautiful illustrations and a captivating story, with some chapters from the little girls point of view and some of the little magical toy mice point of view. It is more aged 6-9 than many of these younger picture books. I had never heard of the doll people and have immediately ordered a copy of the first one for her. Any other suggestions welcome!
Erica says
Unfortunately, most of the doll books for ages 8 and up are horror books, like Doll Bones or The Dollhouse Readers. But your daughter might like the classic book Hitty, Her First Hundred Years. She will definitely enjoy The Doll People!