Comments on: 10 Best Book Sets for Tweens (Great for Gifts) Screen-Free Activities and Books for Kids Fri, 25 Oct 2024 20:10:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: KC Wed, 18 Oct 2023 13:01:14 +0000 Some possible matches for you.

One of them is The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton. It is a classic picture book that tells the story of a little house that lives happily in the countryside, but gradually gets surrounded by the city and neglected. A great-great-granddaughter of the builder finds the house and moves it back to a new place in the country, where it is loved again.

Another one is The Great Blue House by Kate Banks. It is a poetic book that describes the life of a blue house by the sea, where a family spends their summers. When they leave, the house feels lonely and waits for their return. One winter, a storm damages the house, but the family comes back and repairs it.

A third one is House Held Up by Trees by Ted Kooser. It is a lyrical book that explores the relationship between nature and human-made structures. A house is built on a barren land by a father who likes order and neatness. His children grow up and move away, and the house is left empty. Over time, trees and plants take over the land and lift the house up in their branches.

By: Leslie Madrigal Thu, 29 Apr 2021 13:50:15 +0000 My dad got me a children book around late 1970's or early 1980's and I fell love it. Read it again and again, but I lost it when I got older. I can't remember a name of a title or an author, but I do remember a story. A house is a character in a story and it looks like a Victorian house. It fills with children and parents. They play outside and have parties. Then the children grow up and move away and leave aged parents alone. When they are gone, a house become abandoned, overgrown with weeds, broken windows, old broken cars and stray cats. After many years, a man come to collect all old cars and a old lady take all cats with her. Later, a run down house is discovered by a new family that fixes it up and restore the house. It's really a story about the circle of the life.

Can you help me to locate a name of a title and an author? Thank you, Leslie

Note: it is not The Story of a House by Miki Conn. It is almost similar but different families.
