Comments on: Middle Grade Books that Address Addiction and Alcoholism Screen-Free Activities and Books for Kids Fri, 22 Dec 2023 13:23:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amber Wildman Sun, 02 May 2021 15:17:03 +0000 I absolutely agree that these hard issues are things that should be addressed with all children - my general rule is, :If these are issues that are affecting children around my daughter's age, then it's not to soon for me to tackle them with her.: We're in a position of extreme privilege if reading about these issues is the first experience our kiddos have, and I think fiction is a meaningful way to approach the issues that are affecting children worldwide and in every corner of our lives. This is how we prepare our children to be good human beings, valuable advocates and sources of support and strength for others. If something looks a little deep, I read it alone first because I can them arm myself with all the information and answers to all the questions I know my little warrior child will ask. We don't want to normalize the subjects at hand but we do want to make talking about them and responding compassionately second nature to our future legislators, social workers, teachers, advocates and friends. And we want to ensure that children in these situations know that there are others like them and people who care.
