Comments on: Classic Children's Books By The Decade: 1940s Screen-Free Activities and Books for Kids Tue, 12 Dec 2023 18:13:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dyanne Mon, 25 Sep 2023 03:41:32 +0000 In reply to Carol Maggard-Gilbert.

I too am on the search for children books my great aunt read to me in the late 60s, but could be older . The books ,were large fairytale type I think ? Very thick pages . Beautiful , colorful illustrations. I have never since seen anything like them

By: Ken Peterson Sat, 26 Aug 2023 16:55:54 +0000 Wondering if anyone recalls a (probably) 1940s book about a newspaper boy who wishes at midnight on Christmas Eve for a comfortable featherbed (he's sleeping outdoors on stacks of old newspapers). When he wakes up, he's in a magical bed that can fly. The book chronicles their adventures, and all the people who want the bed for themselves.

By: Cheryll Harris Wed, 03 May 2023 05:57:15 +0000 I am looking for a sci fi book read by my daughter, probably in the 1960's (give or take ten years). It's set in a dystopian future and involves a young girl and a boy (she says she remembers something referring to the green boy). There are special glasses everyone must wear, so that they can't see the secret police that are constantly watching them, also people buy items with some sort of marks.
Sorry I can't be clearer, she really wants to re-read this book, but can't recall the author or name of the book.
Can anyone help with this?

By: Mamoun Sun, 05 Mar 2023 15:06:32 +0000 I have a lot of respect to you
Avery nice website I have ever seen.
Full of vintage books.
Thank you very much

By: Christine Twist Tue, 07 Jun 2022 02:51:48 +0000 Looking for a book called The Wolf. It takes place in England in the early 1900s. Children named Martina and Johnny are snowed in and Hannah the housekeeper can't get to them. One member of the family is very ill. Johnny goes out looking for help and encounters a wolf.
The story is being told to a girl named Christina by her grandmother. I got the book in 1959. Don't know the author.

By: Julia Diaz Tue, 16 Feb 2021 21:55:08 +0000 I am looking for a compilation book that was illustrated and had fairy tales, fables, and poems. I know for sure that it had the following poems, Annabelle Lee, You Are Old Father William, and Wynken, Blynken, and Nod. I also know that it was both a LARGE and LONG book. It was a paperback book and my grandma read it to her children (in the 50s and 60s) and to her grandchildren (80s and 90s). I would be so grateful if you can help me figure out what the title is and where I can buy a copy!

By: Carol Maggard-Gilbert Wed, 23 Dec 2020 03:46:22 +0000 Hi, my name is Carol and I have been looking for a book I received in the mid 1940's to mid 1950's for Christmas from my Mother. The name was I believe Julia's Christmas. it was a beautiful story of a Victorian family who walks to church on Christmas Eve. The pictures were beautifully printed in wonderful colors. The siens of snow falling, and her beautiful dress and coat and hat. I have never forgotten about the book and tried to find it for many years. I am now 80 years old and would love to pass it down to great grandchildren. I would appreciate any feed back on if you have the book, or know about it.

By: Marlo Mon, 23 Nov 2020 23:50:44 +0000 Hi looking for a children's book that was probably published in 1950 to 55. It was about a girl who had a bird she name Pete. I know the child who read they story was about 4 at the time and she was born in 1951 so that is why I am figuring the book was from 50 to 55 or even earlier than 1950.

By: Gail Blanton Sat, 03 Oct 2020 21:11:49 +0000 Looking for a book I loved in the late 1940’s about a family that finds either a fairy or a miniature girl and builds her some miniature furniture in their home and a play set on the window sill. She swings on the clock pendulum. That’s all I remember. Any ideas?

By: Nancy Vencill Sat, 30 May 2020 16:04:23 +0000 I read a mystery of a girl in an old mansion with an amazing staircase and something was found in the grandfather clock. The song Alouette seemed to be in the book.
