Comments on: Classic Children's Books By The Decade: 1960s Screen-Free Activities and Books for Kids Wed, 13 Dec 2023 19:40:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Juanita K Bushman Wed, 13 Dec 2023 19:40:32 +0000 Hello! I am looking for a children's book I read in my youth and I believe the main character was named Ginny. There is a chapter about her making her own Halloween costume - something like a black ghost with fringe she made from a sheet she died black and when she twirled the fringe would twirl out. In another chapter she goes with her dad to the city during the holidays and they eat clams. I wish I could remember more and I am desperate to find this book! Help!

By: Kit Hopkins Fri, 02 Jun 2023 10:19:45 +0000 In reply to Nate.

This sounds like the plot to PORTRAIT OF JENNY, which was a movie in the 40's or 50's.

By: Erica Thu, 10 Nov 2022 13:09:30 +0000 In reply to Nate.

Sorry, that does not sound familiar.

By: Nate Thu, 10 Nov 2022 04:09:36 +0000 Hi Erica, when I was in elementary school around 1963, our teacher read us a story or a book about a mysterious you girl and a boy that met her ( maybe at the beach). My recollection is that she was immortal and maybe he returns each summer. It could be that she was a fantasy instead of real. This story has stayed in my memory all these years and I don’t know why, but I would love to go back and read that book. I want to say the book’s title is the girl’s name. Do you have any idea what book this might be?

By: paul Wed, 20 Apr 2022 17:09:46 +0000 ive been trying to find a picture book i read to kids 25--30 years ago. The book may be older like from the 50's or 60's by the illustrations i remember. In the book a kid is taken to town and visits different stores, the hardware store, the bakery, the grocery store, the shoe store etc. On each page is a little poem about that place, "Nuts and bolts and screws and hammers . . .lets go down to the hardware store!" So each page was a scene from a different store with a little poem. Was an oversized book with full page drawn illustrations Sound familiar? Paul

By: Boo Rivera Sat, 13 Nov 2021 04:12:03 +0000 Can you help me find a children’s book that I read in the 1960’s so it must have been published before then. The main character was a girl who crosses the bridge in a forest behind her home and ends up in a castle. She doesn’t realize that she shrink in size when going over the bridge and once in the new land she’s not allowed to go back home but her brother crosses through the water and remains large and rescues her. The book had a yellow jacket with a drawing of the forest and bridge with the castle in the distance. Have no title or author but I remember it was a great book! Does this sound familiar to anyone?

By: Erica Wed, 21 Apr 2021 00:09:30 +0000 In reply to Nicole.

It's a wonderful book!

By: Nicole Tue, 20 Apr 2021 19:06:54 +0000 Is it too mainstream to add Harriet the Spy to this list?

By: Erica Thu, 15 Apr 2021 13:11:05 +0000 In reply to Polly Goldberg.

It's such a fun book! Thanks for your recommendations.

By: Polly Goldberg Tue, 13 Apr 2021 00:09:01 +0000 I am reading Terrible Horrible Edie to my grandkids over Zoom, having already read them the first two: A Lemon and a Star and The Wild Angel. They love the Cares children!
I’m also reading The Majesty of Grace to my 11yo grandson and will start on The Lost Queen of Egypt next month. I highly recommend them all!
