This is the final week of the Poetry Reading Challenge! Even though a month usually has just four weeks, four weeks of poems is just not enough. So I am squeezing in one last poem for you and your kids to enjoy as part of the Poetry Reading Challenge. In fact, I do hope that you will continue to enjoy reading poetry well beyond the month of April.

Sure, it's the final week, but If you are new to the challenge you can start at any time and complete the weeks in any order! Be sure to read the extremely simple rules in the introductory post.
The most enjoyable benefit of the challenge was that both of my kids ended up memorizing all the poems simply by reciting them every day. My boys are quite competitive and neither wanted to be outshone by the other! They loved to show off by reciting the poems from memory!
MORE: Tips for memorizing poetry with kids
William Shakespeare
I could not end this poetry celebration without including William Shakespeare. Not only is Shakespeare my favorite poet, but yesterday was his birthday is in April.
A Midsummer Night's Dream has always been my pick for a child's first introduction to Shakespeare. It's a funny and imaginative play with themes and characters that especially speak to children.
MORE: Read the books from our list of Shakespeare for kids!
Oberon speaks the monologue that begins, "I know a bank..." in Act 2, Scene 1. The four lines will transport your children to a magical landscape where their imagination can soar.
Printer friendly copy --> A Midsummer Night's Dream poem
Extension Activities
Read the entirety of Oberon's speech, or pick up a copy of the play from your library and read the scene.
Watch a clip of the speech from a performance at the Royal Shakespeare Company.
The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust has a handy summary of the plot of A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Up Next! Poetry Writing Challenge for Kids! We created a 4 week easy challenge so that even the beginner-est of beginners can find joy in writing their own poems!
- Spring poems for kids
- Poetry bookmarks This free, printable includes 4 bookmarks, 3 of which feature poems from our poetry reading challenge!
- Weather poetry for kids
- Animal poems for kids
Emma @ P is for Preschooler says
I'm not a poetry fan as a rule, but the ones you have shared for this challenge have been awesome! Thanks for reminding me of some great poetry!
Even in Australia says
Perhaps you can help me. I want to give a book as a party favor for my 9yo's birthday and was thinking maybe a small paperback book of poems (to keep costs down!). Do you have any suggestions? Although they still love Jack Prelutsky, I can't hand out a book that looks like an easy reader, which is too bad, because those small collections would be perfect. Thanks!
Erica MomandKiddo says
Oh, tough one. I don't have any suggestions. I was thinking of Prelutsky, too. But I guess the easy reader thing would put off 9 year olds. Let me know if you find something.
Even in Australia says
Still thinking. But I did just find two big hardcover collections I love - Gyo Fujikawa's A Child's Book of Poems (NOT to be confused with her illustrated version of RLS's A Child's Garden of Verses) and Julie Andrews' Collection of Poems, Song, and Lullabies. I love that the latter includes song lyrics as poems.
Stacey Loscalzo says
Erica- I am not sure how your blog has fallen off my list! I am so glad to be back!
Erica MomandKiddo says
Glad to have you back, Stacey! 🙂
Natalie PlanetSmartyPants says
We missed the challenge, but it sounds like a lot of fun. Strangely, I cannot get my daughter to memorize poetry - she seems to think that it's a very silly thing to do. What are your thoughts on memorization in this day and age when we all can literally have 1000 of poems in our pocket on our mobile devices?
Priscilla Hardage says
My 4th grade students read Lois Burdett’s, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and performed the play in full Renaissance garb. The script is a mixture of Lois Burdett‘s version, authentic Shakespeare and a bit of my own wordplay. We perform it every year for the entire school and parents. It is the highlight for many. I love the poetry you picked from Shakespeare. It’s all about expectations. Now, my students will enter fifth grade and soon middle school with a new friend, Shakespeare, and plenty of confidence. I love what you do. Sorry I missed the challenge, but I will keep up now that I know you’re here.
Erica says
That is wonderful! I would have loved being one of your students. 🙂