Comments on: Shell Activities for Kids Screen-Free Activities and Books for Kids Fri, 01 Sep 2023 20:03:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jacquie@KCEdventures Fri, 19 Jul 2013 04:37:06 +0000 Love the seashell exploration - it is amazing how much you can learn when you look at those shells. The kids were at the beach this past week w/their grandparents so we have a lot of shells to explore now. Thanks for sharing at Discover & Explore - we are featuring you this week!

By: Grammy Tue, 02 Jul 2013 03:45:14 +0000 In most beach areas, collecting natural items like shells is illegal. It's not really a good thing to take shells from any beach.

And I'm sure that no one wants to teach their children to degrade what remains of our nature areas.

"Take only pictures, leave only footprints."

I'd suggest buying your shells from a store.

By: Erica MomandKiddo Sat, 29 Jun 2013 20:39:14 +0000 In reply to OneMommy.

It's nice to have them on trays, too, because then the kids an pick them up and look at them whenever they want.

By: OneMommy Sat, 29 Jun 2013 20:33:17 +0000 We brought home tons of shells this trip! So far all we've done is clean them. I'm looking for just the right container to put them in so they don't break and the kids can still look at them....which means they are sitting on trays all over the house! 🙂

You have some great ideas!

By: maryanne @ mama smiles Sat, 29 Jun 2013 01:53:44 +0000 We'll have to do your activities with the shells we brought home from Florida!

By: Natalie Wed, 26 Jun 2013 22:59:17 +0000 Strangely, we don't find many shells on the beach here - perhaps because the ocean is so cold. We do have a shell collection that I need to get out again one of these days!
