Comments on: NIM: A Simple Counting Game to Teach Subtraction Skills Screen-Free Activities and Books for Kids Tue, 18 Oct 2022 17:39:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Erica MomandKiddo Tue, 07 Jul 2015 17:12:47 +0000 In reply to Jen.

I'm glad it worked out for you. I love finding simple but effective activities.

By: Jen Mon, 06 Jul 2015 15:55:09 +0000 Simple and engaging. My 7 year old enjoyed this game. I was able to sit down and play while also teaching her something. It didn't take too long and was rewarding for us both. She now has a trick and always leaves 4 chips on her 2nd to last turn! LOL. Thank you so much for the post.

By: Lise Sat, 04 Jul 2015 18:51:35 +0000 In reply to Lise.

p.s. it's gone today; hooray! I will try the reload trick next time I encounter something like that.

By: Lise Sat, 04 Jul 2015 18:50:30 +0000 In reply to Erica MomandKiddo.

Thanks, Erica. I don't want to be a grump. I really enjoy reading your blog!

By: Erica MomandKiddo Fri, 03 Jul 2015 09:57:31 +0000 In reply to Lise.

Lise, I am so sorry! Those kind of ads are supposed to be blocked but once in a while one sneaks in. I agree with you, they are extremely annoying!!!! One thing you can do if you come across one here or on another website is to reload the page, that will make different ads come up in the space. Once again, I am sorry, but thank you for taking the time to tell me so I can try to get that one blocked, too.

By: Lise Fri, 03 Jul 2015 01:39:31 +0000 Love this idea and am eager to try it with my daughter--thanks!

I'm finding it very hard to read, though, because the post keeps automatically readjusting itself on the screen so that the video ad is at the top. In fact, it's flipped up to it three times (four!) just in the time it's taken me to type this comment. Ugh! Anything you can (five!) do to stop that? I love your blog but would sto (six!) stop reading it over that. 🙁
