Nurturing beginning readers is a delicate balance of finding the right books and not applying too much pressure! This summer book list for beginning readers (kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders) should help you with the first part.
To avoid applying too much pressure on your kids to learn to read, let them take things at their own pace and the perfect time to do this is the lazy days of summer. Our summer reading resource page will give you even more ideas.

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Summer Books for Beginning Readers
You Are Not Small (series) by Anna Kang. This clever and amusing book about comparisons was also a Theodor Seuss Geigel award recipient. It is well suited for back and forth reading. For extra fun, have your child read one character’s dialogue while you read the other’s. Then switch up the parts! It's a great way to encourage creativity and reading.
MORE: For some kids, keeping track of books is a great motivator. If that's your child, print out our cute summer reading log coloring page.
Benjamin Bear in Bright Ideas! by Philippe Coudray. My kids love the TOON books and all of the ones we have read have been a delight. In the Benjamin Bear books, each page is its own self contained comic so kids can read as much or as little as they wish.
Ling & Ting: Twice as Silly by Grace Lin. I am always on the hunt for silly, funny books because those are the ones that grab my emerging reader’s attention. Kids love to laugh and find the ridiculousness in every situation, so harness that interest to encourage reading with this funny easy reader about twins.
Good Night, Knight by Betsy Lewin. The “I Like to Read” series is a great addition to any summer book list for beginning readers. We particularly enjoyed this one about a knight and his horse who wear themselves out looking for golden cookies. If this book is a good level for your child, be sure to pick up some of the other books in the series.
The Littlest Leaguer by Syd Hoff. It's always nice to have a classic on the list so parents can feel nostalgic while helping their kids learn to read. Hoff's book also much, much longer than contemporary easy readers, but it also has a nice story arc to keep kids' attention span. Nothing says summer reading like a book about baseball!
The Watermelon Seed by Greg Pizzoli. The story draws upon the age-old facetious warning that if you swallow a seed, it will grow inside your tummy. Of course, any story about watermelon is perfect for summer reading!
Brownie & Pearl Step Out by Cynthia Rylant is a cute series by the author of Henry and Mudge, and Mr. Putter and Tabby, (both of which your new readers should also read!). Brownie and her cat, Pearl, have uncomplicated, friendly adventures around town and at home. Pick up any or all of the books in the series.
MORE: Make reading fun with summer reading BINGO
Bink and Gollie: Two for One is the second book in the much beloved series by Kate DiCamillo and Alison McGhee, and it is also one parents will enjoy reading aloud, or listening to as their emergent reader sounds out words. In this installment, Bink and Gollie visit the fair where, among other things, Bink tries to win the world's largest donut! (yum)
Squirrel's World by Lisa Moser. This stand-alone book is a fun story about a squirrel who tries to help all his friends. It has short chapters so beginning readers can take a break if they need to. I'm a big fan of Valeri Gorbachev's illustrations.
Elephant & Piggie Like Reading series, various authors. These books are not by Mo Willams, but by various authors like Dan Santant, LeUyen Pham and Brian Collier. They are cheerful and appealing and while Elephant & Piggie should still be on your list of easy readers, be sure to expand out to these books, too.
Confetti Kids series by Paula Yoo. Confetti Kids is a "new classic" easy reader series! This great collection of beginning readers depicts a diverse group of neighborhood kids engaging in everyday experiences. In Want to Play? the children head out to the park for a day of fun.
Frog and Fly by Jeff Mack. The subtitle, "Six Slurpy Stories" says it all. In each story, Frog manages to trick Fly into becoming his tasty meal. However, in the sixth story Fly manages to outwit Frog in a very surprising way. Jeff Mack's illustrations are bold and to the point, while the funny text is conveyed in dialogue bubbles with the occasional "zip" and "slurp."
Kirsten Larson says
What a great list for my soon-to-be 1st grader. We also love Tedd Arnold's FLY GUY series, and Elephant and Piggie of course.
Erica MomandKiddo says
Those are great series, too! I'm glad you gave them a shout out!
Maggi Idzikowski says
In addition to the fantastic Okay, Andy!, this year in our reading for the Cybils Easy Reader category, I was impressed with both the Clara and Clem and the Steve and Wessley series. (But really, Okay, Andy! is wonderful.)
Erica MomandKiddo says
I really want to read Okay, Andy! I wasn't able to get a copy in time to make this list but I hope to read it soon. Thanks for the recommendations.
:Donna says
You picked some GREAT books here, Erica 🙂 Love that Kate DiCamillo is among them, too 🙂
Erica MomandKiddo says
Thanks, Donna!
birthe says
I love all your resommendations! My 5 year old daughter loves the newer Amelia Bedelia I can Read series as well as Pete The Cat. And everything by Mo Willems is a must in our house, too.
Erica MomandKiddo says
Thank you! Those are great suggestions, too.
Emma says
I haven't read any of these but I will definitely check them out. The books I've found at the library as recommended for beginning readers are so boring that my daughter isn't interested at all - NOT the way to get kids turned on to reading!
Theresa says
Thank you for all of your great lists but these early reader lists are giving my son the motivation be needs to take the leap. He uses Bob books at school but has been reluctant to read them with me. I picked up You are (Not) Small and just gave it to him to LOOK at on the way to the zoo. Guess what? He read it out loud from his car seat - first book ever! I really appreciate the time you take to share your successes!
Erica MomandKiddo says
Theresa, thank you so much for taking the time to tell me that!!!! I adore hearing stories like this. You have totally made my weekend!
Tree says
Thank you for these wonderful lists! My daughter is 4, and she has always loved our reading time together. She's started "reading" to us (or her stuffed animals) by opening pages and either making up stories or reciting what she remembers. She surprised me last month by patiently listening to a long section of what I was reading (Anne of Green Gables - with long, beautiful descriptions that don't have any action). I want to get some early readers into rotation to encourage her further exploration into reading. It's all so exciting! 🙂
Erica says
Wonderful! Happy reading!
Chris says
I too have a young reader who is developing at his own pace, so I decided to start my own website specifically for emergent and very early beginning readers. I have been searching extensively for quality beginning readers with decent plots and/ or a good use of humor. Thanks you for your post. There are a couple on your list I haven't seen yet! If you'd like to check out my website, I'll include it below! Chris