First chapter books, or what I also like to call, "early chapter books" are books for kids ages 6-10. This is a tricky age to target because it is also the age when kids are first learning to read. So one 6 year old may be ready for chapter books, but his classmate may not yet be reading at all. Both scenarios are absolutely normal. In fact I had one of each!

This list of first chapter books in my series of book lists aimed at this reading level features boy protagonists. But note to parents: these are not books for boys, they are about boys, girls will enjoy them, too! I am simply using the protagonist as a useful sorting tool for my themed book lists. At the end of this post you will find links to all sorts of other early chapter book lists, including books about girls! These first chapter books about boys cover a variety of reading levels.
(Note: this post contains affiliate links that earn from qualifying purchases.)
Pedro First Grade Hero (series) by Fran Manushkin, illustrated by Tammie Lyon. This is a great series for the youngest readers, Kindergarteners through 2nd grade who are ready for chapter books. Pedro's friend Katie Woo has long had her own series but now Pedro steps into the spotlight as he plays sports, looks for bugs and runs for class president. This is a sweet series and I like the way the illustrations set the stage for each chapter's action.
MORE: Early chapter books about sports
Danny's Doodles by David A. Adler. If your child desperately wants to read The Diary of a Wimpy Kid, but you realize (rightly) that is not a series for 2nd graders I will steer you to Danny's Doodles. Danny and his quirky friend, Calvin Waffle have equally quirky adventures, accompanied by -- you guessed it -- doodles. By the author of the much loved Cam Jansen books.
Sam Krupnik by Lois Lowry. Anastasia Krupnik's little brother gets his own series! Lowry's body of work amazes me and you will enjoy this series just as much as her other works. In this book, we read all about Sam from his birth through toddlerdom and preschool-hood with lots of laughs. I also recommend this as a read aloud! Originally written in the 1980s, the series has a new look. (Shout out to a commenter who turned me on to this series!)
The No 1 Car Spotter by Atinuke is set in Modern Africa and written by the author of Anna Hibiscus. Oluwalase Babatunde Benson has been nicknamed the No. 1 Car Spotter because he likes to watch cars as they drive by the village. He has other talents, too, including his quick thinking inventiveness which helps his neighbors and family in tricky situations. I really loved this series and highly recommend it.
MORE: Early Chapter Books with Diverse Characters
The Miniature World of Marvin and James by Elise Broach, illustrated by Kelly Murphy. If I were to recommend a book about two beetles jumping into a pile of pencil shavings inside an electric pencil sharpener, you might look at me a little askew. Actually the book is about how the beetle, Marvin, spends his time while his best friend (and human), James, is at the beach. Elise Broach's middle grade book Masterpiece, introduced the duo to the world, and this new early chapter book is a charmer. I also found the text extremely appropriate for early readers. There is a lot of good repetition of vocabulary without being annoying, an interesting and funny story to carry the reader along, as well as good emotional content to help kids connect the story to their own experience. The pencil sharpener incident is simply the most memorable part of the story and the one that my son wanted me to read to him again and again.
Planet Omar: Accidental Trouble Magnet by Zanib Mian, illustrated by Nasaya Mafaridik. Omar is an appealing and relatable protagonist. His family is British-Pakistani and having just moved to London, Omar is feeling nervous about starting a new school and meeting new friends. In a funny-bone-tickling narrative, author Mian weaves important issues about diversity, Islam and the power of standing up for yourself.
Waylon! One Awesome Thing by Sara Pennypacker, illustrated by Marla Frazee. Waylon is the star of a new series by the author of Clementine. Waylon is a super charming 4th grader who saves his money to buy a special notebook in which to record all his ideas for inventions. But at school the "cool kid" is dividing the class into teams. How will this affect his friendships? And what about that Bully? And his sister is acting so weird! I adored this book and can't wait to read more. Suitable for kids ages 7 and up.
MORE: Books like The Bad Guys
Three Tales of My Father's Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett. As far as I'm concerned, this classic trilogy is a must read for every child. Even if you've read it out loud, don't let that stop you from offering it up as an independent read.
The Stories Julian Tells by Ann Cameron. When I first brought this book home from the library, my son informed me that his 2nd grade teacher told the class these were some of her favorite books. I haven't read them all (yet) but I can see why. I was tempted to judge the book by its cover (I am not a fan of photo-covers) but am glad I gave these well-written books a chance. Imaginative Julian gets into mischief with his tall tales, but fortunately he has a loving, forgiving family.
Sam the Man and the Chicken Plan by Frances O'Roark Dowell, illustrated by Amy June Bates. In the spirit of Henry Huggins, an independent-minded, 7 year old boy wants to earn some money. Along the way he acquires a chicken and befriends his cranky old neighbor. A wonderful book full of old-fashioned fun and humor.
Zapato Power by Jacquline Jules. I have a great love for Freddy Ramos. After all, he and his mom love to read together. It's also nice to see a Latino superhero, do you know many of those? One day Freddy receives a mysterious pair of shoes which turn out to have magical powers and Freddy, being the kind of boy he is, uses their power for good. This series was also on my list of Superhero Picture and Chapter Books.
Alvin Ho by Leonore Look. Alvin has an anxiety complex: he's afraid of everything and he's so afraid of school he doesn't even talk. This may seem like a dubious premise for young readers, but my 8 year old really enjoys this series. Alvin is a highly intelligent boy; his Chinese heritage, love of Henry David Thoreau (yes, you read that right), attempts to be a gentleman and loving family make for some great reading. There are loads of cultural references (my favorite is is dad's penchant for Shakespearean curses) which are defined in a humorous glossary. We listened to a stellar audiobook version on a long car trip which kept us giggling.
The Amazing World Of Stuart by Sara Pennypacker. There are two books, Stuart's Cape and Stuart Goes to School in this double edition. Fans of Sara Pennypacker's more famous heroine, Clementine, will want to read these earlier books about Stuart, an 8 year old who fashions himself a cape by stapling 100 ties together. This awesome cape turns out to have quite a bit of magical influence over the quirky, funny and highly lovable Stuart.
MORE: Science Themed Early Chapter Books
Stink by Megan McDonald. The younger brother of popular series girl, Judy Moody, has an unfortunate nickname. He's also short and tired of being bossed around by his older sister. My son's favorite installment was #4: Stink and the Great Guinea Pig Express; while he read it he could not stop laughing. A kid who finds reading fun is a kid who will read more.
Invisible Inkling by Emily Jenkins. Somehow, an invisible (not imaginary) bandapat from the Peruvian Woods of Mystery has made it to Brooklyn, where he is now dragging Hank in all sorts of adventures. One of the more advanced series on this list, though still considered an early chapter book. Emily Jenkins is one of my favorite authors (readers of this blog may recall the numerous times I have professed my love for another early chapter book series, Toys Go Out)
Horrid Henry by Francesca Simon. This is another series I thought I wouldn't like based on the name and I always cringe at the idea that "reluctant readers" need a book about kids doing silly things in order to read. But after reading so many (oh, so many) books for these lists I have really relaxed my snobbishness and look beyond the cover. Each chapter is a self-contained story and the vocabulary and short sentences and laugh-out-loud (yup, just like it says on the cover!) humor make this series an excellent choice for the earliest chapter book readers.
MORE: Early Chapter Books about School
Horrible Harry by Suzy Kline. (See my literary commentary above!) Harry's best friend, Doug, narrates these fun stories. Most of the action centers around school life and although Harry does get into a bit of mischief, he is a good friend and is very likable. There is also a spin off series about Song Lee, the "nicest girl in Room 2B."
EllRay Jakes series by Sally Warner. Vertically-challenged EllRay takes note that he is one of the few non-whites at his suburban school. This first book deals with bullying; others address EllRay's attempts at sports, making new friends and his relationship with his little sister.
Calvin Coconut by Graham Salisbury. Quick, name all the books you know set in Hawaii: go! ... Yeah, I thought so. These books are realistic stories about a 4th grader living with his single, working mom and little sister in Paradise. Your kids can imagine themselves having adventures on the Hawaiian shores while they get to know Calvin. Calvin tries to do everything right, but can't seem to keep out of trouble. As you can imagine, hijinks ensue.
The Knights' Tales by Gerald Morris. I quite like these quirky books with their bumbling characters who are heroes in spite of themselves, but the tongue in cheek humor may go over the heads of younger readers. That's okay because there is a big need for early chapter books which are sophisticated enough to appeal older readers who still need books at an early level. If you kid likes to listen to tales of yore, try these books out.
MORE: Adventure Early Chapter Books
7 x 9 = Trouble! and Fractions = Trouble! by Claudia Mills. Wilson struggles with math and feels embarrassed to have a tutor. Claudia Mills is one of those authors that you may not have heard of, but you should always check out what she's writing. These books are good for the older end of the early chapter book age range (i.e. kids should understand what multiplication and fractions are) and I'm hoping there will be a third book!
Dog Days: The Carver Chronicles by Karen English. This is the first title in series about third-grader Gavin, who is starting a new school. When he and his friends get into trouble his punishment is to take care of his aunt's annoying little Pomeranian. The bow-bedecked dog is seriously interfering with his attempt to prove himself "cool"! I think a lot of kids will relate to Gavin. I liked this realistic book and look forward to more in the series.
Melvin Beederman Superhero by Greg Trine. Some superheroes are weakened by Kryptonite, some by bologna. Such is the fate of Melvin, a graduate of Superhero Academy. Melvin and his partner, Candace, battle against the McNasty Brothers. For kids who like superheroes, silly puns, and who think Los Angeles is i need of a good crime-fighting duo, these are the books to read.
MORE: Superhero early chapter books
Captain Awesome by Stan Kirby is not the most sophisticated series but it's useful for kids who are just moving past easy readers or kids who may be late readers and want to read chapter books "like their friends." Short chapters, lots of illustrations, large fonts and silly situations increase its attractiveness to early readers. There are also a bazillion books in the series, to keep your kids reading reading reading.
Shaunna @ Fantastic Fun and Learning says
My first graders enjoyed reading the Horrible Harry and Song Lee books. Many of the other series are new to me, but I look forward to reading them with my daughters when they are a bit older.
Mom and Kiddo says
I love to hear what teachers are reading to their classes. Thanks for sharing!
Valarie says
A wonderful list and many of our favorites are on here. I must tweet this one.
MomandKiddo says
Thanks, Valarie!
Even in Australia says
A lot for us to look into here as my daughter has tended to stay with girl protagonists. I think the only ones she's read are Horrible Harry and Ellroy Jakes; I read the first Alvin Ho book and liked it.
MomandKiddo says
I bet she'd like My Father's Dragon and Stuarts's cape if she likes imaginative stories.
Megan D. Neal says
Our boy series reading is seriously lacking around our house of girls. We haven't read any of these featured. But the one early chapter book series about a boy that my girls have read and enjoyed, because it features animals, is the Akimbo series by Alexander McCall Smith. The series features the adventures of Akimbo, an African boy living with his parents on a game preserve, where his father is a park ranger. Each of the five books features Akimbo's adventures with a different kind of animal. (The books are illustrated by LeUyen Pham.)
MomandKiddo says
Argh! I thought Akimbo was a stand alone book and was going to feature it next week! Double Argh! I really need to Google these things before I type up the posts.
Lorie says
We've just started reading chapter books with my son, so this is a great resource for us! Thank you! Going to pin it.
MomandKiddo says
Thanks, Lorie!
Carolyn @ Pleasantest Thing says
Several of these are books I'm not familiar with - thank you for the list!
PragmaticMom says
This is such an awesome list! Pinning it!
Renee C. says
What a great list! My 6 year old son is tearing through books right now and I'm always looking for a new series. He's read a few of these series and really enjoyed them, but I'll have to check the library for some other of your suggestions.
Renee C. says
Ok, I couldn't resist, I added our review of Captain Underpants which we reviewed a very long time ago. This is a shining example of a book that kids LOVE and which often don't get looked at very closely by parents. I really enjoyed tearing it apart! lol
MomandKiddo says
Personally, I think Captain Underpants is hilarious!
Amy says
All right! With three boys, you know this is the list I need!
Joyce @Childhood Beckons says
Thank you so much for such a wonderful list. I have to admit that I'm unfamiliar with most of these, and I really look forward to checking them out! We are reading the Magic Tree House series right now, and R really loves that the main little boy wears glasses like him. I bet he'll love some of these others too!
MomandKiddo says
Thanks Joyce! I definitely recommend starting with My Father's Dragon. My sons also The Magic Tree House- it was on last week's list!
Melissa @ Honey Bee Books says
Thank you for such a fabulous list of books. Lots of them I have not heard of, so I will definitely be adding them to my wish list 🙂
MomandKiddo says
Glad it's useful for you!
Jen says
Brilliant - we love your lists! My 6 year old loves Horrible Harry and Roscoe Riley - I think he really identifies with the main characters. We've also read Horrid Henry which went down well and the 'Nate the Great' books. His absolutely favourite save-up-his-pocket-money-to-buy series is the 'Just .....' books by Andy Griffiths. Thanks for some great ideas for new books, once we get through all the girl chapter books we have borrowed from the library (Amber Brown is the hit so far!).
MomandKiddo says
Yay! I'm glad you like Amber!
Katie says
Thanks for the great list my son has Dyslexia and we are just starting to feel comfortable in the chapter books even though he is 10. You forgot the Flat Stanley chapter book series which are great reads.
MomandKiddo says
Hi Katie! I'm so glad the list will be useful for you! I know I left Stanley off the list. I was trying to keep it manageable and left several series off that maybe I should have included. Thanks for leaving a comment to remind others of that good series!
Bonny @ says
Thanks for this amazing list. While my first two sons were eager to read at this age, my third one isn't as interested. I will go through this list and try to find some books I bet he'll like.
MomandKiddo says
I know you'll find something, but check out the book list of series about boys, too. That one also has choices that may appeal to reluctant readers.
Natalie says
Looking at the list, I realized that we have bias to girl heroines - we read a lot more books from your other lists than from this list. Perhaps it's time to liven things up a bit!
Shirley says
I am trying to look for the books in the library according to your list. I really appreciate that. My son loves the Arthur series (Chapter Book) by Marc Brown.
Erica MomandKiddo says
Yes, that's a good one, too.
amy Brink says
Great list! Another awesome series is the "Hey, Jack!" books by Sally Rippin. They are sold through Usborne Books but can also be found online at amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc. My first grader (whose name is also Jack) loves these and really identifies with the title character. For girls, Sally Rippin also has the "Billie B" books, which is about Jack's best friend. They are a perfect first step into chapter books. Highly recommend!
Erica MomandKiddo says
Thanks for the suggestions, Amy!
Jen says
Hi - I wanted to pop back in and say that we have just got hold of the Stuey Lewis books and they have been a huge hit with my 7 and 5 year olds. My 7 year old took a LONG time to learn to read and found the process very frustrating so he can really relate to Stuey's experiences. The only bad thing is that they want me to cook French toast for breakfast now like Stuey's mum does and we are in the middle of a heatwave so I am trying not to use the stove!
Erica MomandKiddo says
So glad to hear it! And french toast sounds good to me, it's COLD here!
Stephanie says
Very late with a comment, but I found your post while searching for ideas for reading with my kindergartener. Thank you for all of the great ideas! I'll add another suggestion- I just finished reading Lois Lowry's Sam Krupnik books (starting with All About Sam) to my kiddo. They are wonderful. My sensitive child really identified with smart, earnest preschooler Sam and the family, teachers and neighbors who treat his opinions and interests with respect. There is plenty of fun in these stories, but Sam is never the object of the fun.
Erica MomandKiddo says
Great addition to the list!
Jann Bell says
My nine year old grandson is deep into internet gaming. Unfortunately, books are only for reading in school which leaves a summer full of the online games. Wish some books could bridge the gap between kids who for one reason or another are not being directed toward offline activities. Something powerful enough to get a toe hold on their imagination. A big challenge.
Erica says
Perhaps one of the chapter books on my STEM list - there are some books that will interest kids who like coding and computers.
Catherine says
Hi! I LOVE all of your lists and recommendations! Thank you! The subscription email says that this list comes in printable format but I don't see any print button. Help?
Erica says
Hi Catherine, the link to the pdf is only in the newsletter, not here in the post (as it is only available to newsletter subscribers). There is no "print" button per se. You will click on the link in the email, and print it out as you would any other pdf. If you are having trouble, reply to the newsletter and I'll get you sorted!
Chanda says
I've recently discovered a series by Marti Dumas called Jaden Toussaint, the Greatest that you or your readers might like to check out. Thank you for your work on the lists.
4APK.RU says
___123___30 First Chapter Books for Kids: Series About Boys___123___