This list of Halloween early chapter books will delight any independent reader. I am very picky about early chapter books, so while essentially every early chapter book series has a Halloween book, I'm only listing the very best Halloween chapter books here that I have read and enjoyed.

These Halloween chapter books are generally for kids ages 5-10 (depending on reading level, of course!) and for kids who love comic books you'll find several more choices on the list of Halloween graphic novels. For chapter books for kids ages 8-10, that also make excellent family read alouds, check out these fantastic Halloween novels. And for many hundreds more early chapter books for kids ages 5-10 see all of my lists in the archives here.
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Halloween Chapter Books for Ages 6-10
I made an attempt here to arrange the books from the earliest reading level to the latest. Nate the Great starts us off with a Halloween book that is close to an easy reader and Invisible Inkling easily qualifies as a middle grade book that is great Halloween reading for 8-10 year olds.
Nate the Great and the Halloween Hunt by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, illustrated by Mac Simont
This series is perfect for kids on the upper levels of easy reader books who are excited about moving on to books with real chapters. Nate the Great is a classic, reliable series. In this book he helps a friend find her lost cat.
Dragon's Halloween by Dav Pilkey
Words cannot express how much I love the hysterical misadventures of Dragon. This whole series is a hoot, especially if you like dry, tongue in cheek humor. It's Halloween and Dragon is going in search of the biggest pumpkin so he can make a super scary jack o'lantern. But all that is left in the pumpkin patch are 6 tiny pumpkins! This is a very easy to read, very early Halloween chapter book that will have kids in stitches.
Mercy Watson: Princess in Disguise by Kate DiCamillo, illustrated by Chris Van Dusen
Porcine wonder Mercy Watson is a seriously crazy pig and of course Halloween with her will be both disastrous and hilarious. It will also include buttered toast.
Scare School Diaries: Welcome to Scare School by Jarrett Lerner
Bash is a little scared at the prospect of going off to Scare School, an elementary school for ghosts. He likes his new roommate, a spider named Itsy, and he's got to study hard in order to figure out all the ghost stuff and pass the Creature Aptitude Test. But he learns the most important lesson of all: how to believe in himself! A cuter ghost you'll never meet.
Princess Posey and the Monster Stew by Stephanie Greene, illustrated by Stephanie Roth Sisson
There are a number of early chapter book series that have Halloween editions. This Princess Posey edition is quite enjoyable. I found it surprisingly charming and it thoughtfully addressed anxieties over the Halloween scare factor.
The Skull: A Tyrolean Folktale by Jon Klassen
I adore the weirdness of this tale. On a dark night, Otilla meets a talking skull who becomes her friend. Otilla aims to protect Skull from a headless skeleton that pursues him every night. More oddball than spooky, Klassen's signature illustrations and wry humor are on full and glorious display.
Crimson Twill: Witch in the County by Kallie George, illustrated by Birgitta Sif
In the sequel to Crimson Twill: Witch in the City, the eponymous witch invites her friends from New Wart City to Cackle County. Things go a little haywire, however, when it starts to rain rotten applesauce and magic broom straw causes Wesley to float away. Not to worry–with humor, word play and a cauldron of stew, Crimson Twill will figure things out.
Jenny's Moonlight Adventure by Esther Averill
Find it: Amazon
Jenny and her urban feline friends gather together on Halloween to hear a performance from nose-flutist Madame Butterfly. But, oh no! The nose flute has gone missing. I love the Jenny and the Cat Club series and your kids will enjoy these classic books that easily stand the test of time.
The Best Halloween Ever by Barbara Robinson
The chaos-creating band of kids from the classic, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, bring just as much mayhem to Halloween as they did to Christmas.
Invisible Inkling: Dangerous Pumpkins by Emily Jenkins
Find it: Amazon
I absolutely adore this series set in Brooklyn. This is the second book about fourth grader Hank Wolowitz whose invisible pet loves Halloween and decides to take charge of the holiday. Quirky, kooky and lots of crazy hijinks that will have your kids laughing out loud.
Goosebumps series by R.L. Stine
I won't lie. I have never enjoyed horror genre books. However, that's not to say your kids won't love the very popular Goosebumps series. It goes without saying that this is the most Halloween-ish of Halloween chapter book series! Ghosts, monsters, witches, slime and spooky scares galore. There are several spin-off series, including Goosebumps House of Shivers.
If your child has a favorite early chapter book series, whether it be My Weird School or Katie Kazoo or Ready Freddy, check the shelves because there is sure to be a Halloween themed book in the series!
Jennifer says
I forgot about Neil Gaiman. My 11-year old is not much of a reader, but he does better when I "assign" things for him to complete.
Raising a Happy Child says
Great collection. I think my husband read The Graveyard book recently. We have two German chapter books - The Little Witch and The Little Ghost. They are translated to English in Germany and don't seem to be available on Amazon.
PragmaticMom says
Great list! Thanks for coming to my blog (I have a post on same topic but with different books). I am sharing your link so readers will have lots of books to choose from!
Momand Kiddo says
Thanks. Kid books are a bit of a passion of mine and I love sharing new books and reading other people's lists to find even more books!
Shirley says
Thank you so much for this list. I just picked up a great chapter book about Frankenstein's son. I cannot wait to read it aloud to my students to help kick start Halloween. Keep up the great work that you do and the wonderful information that you are sharing.
Erica MomandKiddo says
Delene Halsey says
Thanks for the list. I have several grandkids who are beyond Halloween picture books. This will help in the hunt for Halloween books for older kids. Great job
Book Lover says
I'm so excited to read this one. It's wonderful!!
Erica says
Happy reading.
Linda Malone says
I’m afraid my grandniece is still a teensy bit young for the Herdmans, but I can’t wait to read it!