Thanksgiving is the perfect holiday to showcase picture books that reflect America's diverse population.
The children's Thanksgiving books on this list reflect a variety of approaches to celebrating Thanksgiving. They include stories about how immigrants have contributed to modern day traditions, the perspective of Indigenous Peoples, and invitations to express gratitude.

I am of the belief that we can share with our children the relevance of modern-day Thanksgiving traditions without perpetuating the highly flawed "happy myth" about its origins. Children are smart cookies and we honor them by making sure we discuss hard truths about the relationship between the "founding" of this country and the land's indigenous populations.
- Thanksgiving chapter books list, for independent readers or as read alouds
- Thanksgiving audiobooks, festive novels the whole family will enjoy!
- Thanksgiving poems for families
Note: this list contains Amazon and Bookshop affiliate links. Purchases made through these links may earn a commission for this blog. Bookshop also supports independent bookstores.
Thanksgiving Picture Books
Keepunumuk: Weeâchumun's Thanksgiving Story by Danielle Greendeer (Mashpee Wampanoag), Anthony Perry (Chickasaw), and Alexis Bunten (Yu'pik and Unangan), illustrated by Garry Meeches (Anishinaabe)
If you read only one Thanksgiving book this year, let it be this one. A grandmother tells her two Wampanoag ("People of the First Light") grandchildren the story of Thanksgiving. Weeâchumun (the Wampanoag word for "corn," here represented as a translucent woman) is worried because she is afraid that she will not last another year. Despite a caution to be wary of the new comers, Weeâchumun asks the Wampanoag people to help the Pilgrims survive the winter by helping them plant the three sisters of corn, beans and squash. This is an important retelling of the Thanksgiving story that places the Wampanoag, and not the Pilgrims at the center of the narrative. The text includes notes, glossary, and a pronunciation guide. The book's official website has further resources. Ages 3-103.
May We Have Enough to Share by Richard Van Camp (Tłı̨chǫ Dene)
This adorable board book may be intended for babies and toddlers, but the sentiment rings true for all ages. Photographs of happy children and their caregivers grace the pages next to words meant to inspire readers to invite abundance into their lives, not for its own sake, but as a way to share with others. Read it as a blessing before everyone tucks into turkey. All ages.
ALSO READ: Picture Books about Gratitude
At Our Table by Patrick Hulse, illustrated by Madelyn Goodnight (Chickasaw)
I absolutely adore this book. Both Hulse text and Goodnight's dynamic illustrations highlight the many kinds of diversity that make up America. The simple, straightforward text is perfect for reading aloud. The diverse families depicted reflect on the many ways Thanksgiving is a special holiday, from the sensory experiences, communal gatherings, and expressions of gratitude. In addition, the book pays tribute to the Indigenous People in a unique way, honoring their presence on the land. A must read for every holiday celebration. Ages 3-103.
If You Lived During the Plimouth Thanksgiving by Chris Newell (Passamaquoddy), illustrated by Winona Nelson (Leech Lake Band of Minnesota Chippewa)
This book is so interesting and gives a more inclusive context for the encounters of English colonists and the Wampanoag, and the origins of the first Thanksgiving. The book looks a wide range of details surrounding the famed celebration, including how the Pilgrims made it to Plimoth, who was already living on the land, what everyone wore, how the Pilgrims and Wampanoag communicated and much, much more. The book may be aimed at children, but adults will also be well served by reading it. Ages 6-106.
MORE: Native American Picture books by Native authors
Twelve Dinging Doorbells by Tameka Fryer Brown, illustrated by Ebony Glenn
Inspired by the classic holiday song, "Twelve Days of Christmas," this is an non-specific holiday poem that that applies to any family gathering. The lively get-together includes all kinds of food dishes, an ever-increasing population of funny relatives, and "a sweet potato pie just for me." Delightful! Ages 3 and up.
Duck for Turkey Day by Jacqueline Jules, illustrated by Kathryn Mitter
Tuyet is distressed that her Vietnamese family is having duck for Thanksgiving dinner! In school she learned that turkey is the traditional main course, but her mom and grandma insist that duck is tastier. Tuyet worries about what her friends and teacher will think! When she returns to school she discovers that her classmates all had different foods for dinner and it's not the feast, but the company that makes the holiday special. I love the sweet moment when Tuyet puts her handmade pinecone craft on the table to ensure there is a turkey on the table! Ages 4 and up.
Feast for 10 by Cathryn Falwell
This isn't a Thanksgiving-specific picture book, but it certainly fits the theme! A family shops for, prepares, and sits down together for a meal. I particularly love books that show math in everyday situations such as shopping and cooking. It might even get your little one interested in counting next time you put her in the shopping cart at the grocery store! Plus, I'm all for books that show families having fun together. Ages 3 and up.
Balloons over Broadway: The True Story of the Puppeteer of Macy's Parade by Melissa Sweet
The signature spectacle of the Macy's Parade was spearheaded by British immigrant, Tony Sarg. Sweet's marvelous cut paper and mixed media collages illustrate the story of Sarg's life as a puppeteer, from his boyhood inspirations to his invention of the "upside-down marionettes" we've come to know and love as the iconic gigantic helium balloons in the Macy's Parade.
How Many Days to America? A Thanksgiving Story by Eve Bunting, illustrated by Beth Peck
Find it: Amazon
A family flees a Caribbean island because of political prosecution. The journey in a small boat is hard and dangerous and when they reach America it is Thanksgiving day. It's a great book to spark discussions about diversity in America, why people flee their homes, and the freedom and security they hope to find. Ages 5 and up.
Gracias, The Thanksgiving Turkey by Joy Cowley, illustrated by Joe Cepeda
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Just before Thanksgiving, Miguel's father, who is driving a truck across the country, sends the family a mysterious box with holes in it. Inside is a turkey! Miguel names his new "pet" Gracias, walks him around his urban neighborhood on a leash, and worries about his intended fate, even as Gracias follows him to mass. Spanish words are sprinkled throughout the text and I love how Miguel's Puerto Rican family provides a wonderful model of familial support and love. Ages 4 and up.
Rivka's First Thanksgiving by Elsa Okon Rael, illustrated by Maryann Kovalski
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Rivka, the daughter of Polish Jewish immigrants, comes home from school, excited to tell her family about the holiday of Thanksgiving. Her mother tells her, "It sounds to me as though this is a party for Gentiles." Rivka insists that Thanksgiving is for everyone and takes her case to the Rabbi who initially agrees with her mother. Rivka starts a campaign to change the Rabbi's mind. She writes a letter and presents her case before a gathering of Rabbis, drawing insightful parallels between her Jewish family's experience and the experience of the Pilgrims. Ages 4 and up.
The Thanksgiving Door by Debby Atwell
Ed and Ann have burned their dinner! They head out to a restaurant, sighing, "It won't be the same." When they get there they don't realize it's closed for a private party but the grandmother in the kitchen decides the family will welcome the interlopers because in the "old country" they do not turn away hungry people. Ed and Ann celebrate with the large, extended family, including lively dancing and at the end of the evening declare the best thing that happened was burning the dinner. Ages 4 and up.
'Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving by Dav Pilkey
Ok, so this Thanksgiving book is not exactly like the others on this list! It is an extremely silly and highly satisfying story about a diverse group of school children on a field trip to discover where their Thanksgiving turkey really comes from. When they find out, they smuggle the turkeys home and hilarity (and a vegetarian dinner) ensues. Ages 3 and up.
Milly and the Macy's Parade by Shana Corey, illustrated by Brett Helquist
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This is a fictional story based on a factual events surrounding the very first Macy's Parade. Milly is a Polish immigrant whose father works for Mr. Macy. Macy's employs legions of immigrants and when they all begin to get homesick and nostalgic for their homelands' holiday traditions, Millie convinces "the most important man in America" (aka Mr. Macy) to throw a giant party. And the parade is born. I love to think of the Macy's Parade as a party with roots based in celebrating the diversity of the people employed at the store -- not just as a way to advertise a retail giant. Ages 5 and up.
More books for your Thanksgiving holiday reading:
Phyllis at All Things Beautiful says
This is a great post. I love many of the books already, but there are a few I need to check out. Thank you.
Erica @What Do We Do All Day? says
Thanks so much Phyllis! I hope you enjoy sharing them with your kids.
Stephanie @InCultureParent says
This is a great list! I regularly review multicultural books for kids and am really excited to discover a bunch of new titles! Plus I love that some of these books reflect our own multicultural Thanksgiving celebration that we have each year at our house with friends from all over the world.
Erica MomandKiddo says
Thank you Stephanie! I love your book lists, too.
PramgaticMom says
What a great list! They are all new to me!
Heidi Gill @ 2kuriouskids says
Great list of books!
teachingyoungchildren says
It's a wonderful list! We read several entries on it - I should bring Molly's Pilgrim back!
Katie says
What an absolutely stellar selection! I'm currently working on a post about multicultural Christmas books, and I had no idea that there were so many excellent Thanksgiving titles as well. I'm definitely going to remember this for future Thanksgivings! Tweeted and pinned.
Chelsey @ Buggy and Buddy says
What a great list of books to help kids really learn all aspects of Thanksgiving! Thank you so much for linking up to Discover & Explore!
Julie@Momspective says
I'm sending this link to my sons teacher! Great ideas!
Erica MomandKiddo says
Thanks, Julie. I hope the class gets a chance to read the books.
Anna says
Another fabulous book list!! Most of these are brand new to me- I look forward to checking them out!
Erica MomandKiddo says
Thanks, Anna.
Stephanie Whittle says
Love this and am featuring it on the after school linky this week!
Kim Vij (@EducatorsSpin) says
You’ve been featured on our After School Thanksgiving Roundup of Activities for School Aged Kids this week. This Thanksgiving Book List looks like so much fun for the kids to read and share with the family. Just want to tell you that we are so thankful for you and your blog! Happy Thanksgiving!
Erica MomandKiddo says
Thanks so much, Kim. It's great to be part of After School.
kbpage18 says
Thanksgiving at Obaachans is a fantastic read. I'm surprised it didn't make the list.
Erica MomandKiddo says
Thanks for mentioning this book. My library didn't have a copy and I only like to recommend books I've been able to read. It looks great, though.
Carol Simon Levin says
Love this post -- Thanks for reprising! I've been doing Multi-cultural Thanksgiving programming for years both at the public library where I worked and at a local school. If anyone wants additional programming ideas using these books (and others) plus songs, flannelboards, and crafts, you are welcome to visit my website:
Jane Pusch says
Would you be interested in featuring a picturebook about a girl scientist/engineer? "The Why-entist and the Wild Weather" just released.
Sharlene Habermeyer says
Excellent list! I'm finally getting around to looking for Thanksgiving books for my family --busy year. This will be perfect to take to the library & bookstore--thank you! I'm always so impressed by your lists--I go to the library all the time, but never seem to see all the fabulous books you suggest!
Erica says
Thanks for the kind words.