Since my kids are not usually content to sit around and draw in a quiet, meditative manner, I seek out active art projects like this awesome shaken container art activity, which combines creativity and physicality!
Shaken container painting is perfect for rowdy, active kids of all ages from toddlers to tweens! Even big kids will love it, especially if you take it outside and toss the container around with great vigor. However, with some care, this art project also makes a good indoor activity when you need to help kids who are stuck inside release some of their pent up energy.

Fortunately the instructions are very simple. Watch our video to see it in action, or scroll down for written instructions!
What you need:
- Plastic container with a tight lid(we used a yogurt container)
- Washable paint (washable -- trust me)
- Paper cut to size. Finger paint paper is a great choice.
- Stuff to shake such as marbles, buttons, hardware, rocks, pom poms, etc.
- Optional: masking tape to secure lid if desired
Place paper sheets in the container so it lays around the edge.
Drop in a few items. Or all of them, as my son immediately did. The results will vary according to whether or not your objects are soft, hard, pointy, smooth, heavy or light, as well as according to how many you drop in the container. Turn this art project into an investigative experiment by comparing results!
Next, add some paint. Again, this is an area for experimentation. Add a little or a lot. Try one, or two or even a dozen colors. Explore color mixing with primary colors! Are the results a muddy brown? That's okay, too.
Close the container and secure lid with tape if desired.
Now the funnest part! Shake Shake Shake!!!!! Take the containter outside and roll or toss it around. Get as active as you want and your circumstances allow.
From personal experience I can confirm that if you do not put the lid on tightly, the contents will, in fact, fly everywhere. (Just sayin' and that's where the tape comes in handy.) Remember the washable paint advice? Yeah, that.
When your child is done shaking, rattling and rolling, open the container and remove their masterpiece. Voilà!
More active art projects for kids:
Lisa says
Great fun!! LOL at putting the lid on comment! Have you ever tried doing it with acorns??
Jenny says
That looks like a lot of fun, and we go through a ton of yogurt! CJ will have fun coming up with ideas of what to shake up, I'm sure.
cathy says
FUN! We're going to give this a try this week. I think that my 5 yr old and 2 yr old will both really dig this activity. Keep those good ideas coming!
Mom and Kiddo says
Acorns sounds like a good idea. It would be fun to go on a nature hunt for things to use.
kristina says
this is awesome! Thanks for sharing. My 4 year old is totally going to dig this.