When you need a quick boredom buster that also burns off a lot of pent-up kid energy, look no further than this balloon ball game!
Kids with cabin fever will love this active indoor activity! Whether you call it balloon tennis or balloon badminton, it's an indoor ball game that is lots of fun and easy to make yourself.

How to Play Balloon Ball Game
Before your kids can play balloon ball, they need to make the paddles.
Get Ready...
For each balloon ball paddle you need:
Something for the paddle handle. We used a ruler. Other options include a paint stirrer, short tree branch or bamboo pole. Look around the house or challenge your kids to find something. Put their growth mindset skills to use!
A paddle face. For the paddle face, a plastic or sturdy paper plate works best. You could also use a piece of cardboard. Trace a circle from a dinner plate onto a cardboard box and cut out.
Adhesive. Use tape to secure your paddle face to the handle. We used packing tape, but masking tape, or painters tape will work equally well.
You'll also need:
Balloons! Grab a couple of balloons and blow them up. Blowing up balloons of different sizes will make for a different ball play experience. For example, a half-way blown-up balloon is smaller and heavier that a full sized one which will stay aloft for longer.
Optional: a net. We did not use a net. However, if you like, tie either end of a long string to a chair and hang a sheet across the string. Voilá a tennis or badminton net!
All the instruction your kids need (if they need any at all, most likely they will just start playing however they want) is that they use the paddle to keep the balloon in the air.
Two or more players can hit the balloon to each other, or across the net if they have one. Or, they can have a competition to see who can keep their balloon in the air the longest. Or, they can use a wall as a backboard.
One player can challenge themselves to keep the balloon in the air by bouncing it, or experiment by walking around with the balloon resting on the paddle without falling off.
My guess is that your kids will come up with their own ideas and rules for balloon paddle ball!
NOTE: If you don't have balloons, look around to see what else you could use. My boys were lucky that we have a nearly full package of balloons. You could also use ping pong balls or figure something else out. After all, the boys' current favorite game (which they play almost every day) is to play catch with their balled-up pajamas!
First published 2012, updated 2023.
Brittney says
Always looking for balloon ideas!
Jessica says
Unrelated, but worth mentioning for humor's sake:
All winter, Benjamin has balled up used white paper (on its way to the recycle pile) and has "snowball fights" indoors.
And to think, other people's kids have Wii. HA HA. 🙂
Raising a Happy Child says
Well, you have two. I would never been able to relax with this game, unless there is a playdate 🙂 Great idea though.
Having Fun says
Wonderful indoor winter activity. We've been looking for ways to have fun inside.
MaryAnne says
This is a great idea! We'll have to give it a try =)
Kristina says
We loved this. So glad you tried it too! The ruler is a smart move. I agree that you can play this with so many things.