I'm not too prudish to say it: kids think farting in the bathtub is hilarious. Why? Because it makes bubbles! Has your child ever wondered why a fart creates bubbles in the bath? Harness your kids natural curiosity for an easy science project that teaches them how bubbles are made.
It's a great bath time science project, with the bonus of helping kids who hate baths but need to get clean actually get in the bathtub!

Plastic container, such as a large yogurt container
Scissors, or other object that will cut the contaner
Water, deep enough to cover the container by several inches
Enthusiastic young scientist
Basic Instructions
Poke a hole in the bottom of a plastic container with the scissors. We used a large yogurt container.
Covering the hole completely with your finger, submerge the container open side down until it rests on the bottom of the tub.
Firmly holding the container down on the bottom of the tub, take your finger off the hole and watch the bubbles escape.
Discussion and Extension Activities
Chat with your kid about how air escapes. It rises because it is lighter than the water.
You can also demonstrate suction by lifting the container slowly out of the water. Show kids how to feel the pull of the suction-action as you lift the container from the bottom of the tub.
Compare different size containers and test how many bubbles each size makes, the strength of the suction and so forth. We had lots of fun watching whose container would make the most bubbles, whose lasted longer, etc.
Just like our frozen word scramble bath activity, this was so much fun for and my kid was pretty disappointed when it was time to get out of the bath. But really, the water was stone cold by then!
More fun water play ideas:
Katherine says
We make "bubble fish", which are jelly fish made with a wet washcloth, Sort of lay it on the water with a hand underneath holding the middle up to make a bubble, then pull all the edges under water to make a balloon... it's not as complicated as it sounds! Then you can squeeze it or hit it to release lots of tiny bubbles!
Raising a Happy Child says
Bubbles - something infinitely fascinating for my daughter. She can seriously play in the bath for 30 minutes - about the only time when I get to take a break during her evening routine. I liked the suction portion of your experiment a lot.
Anonymous says
Here's a site that I think our readers might enjoy. It is called MEET ME AT THE CORNER, Virtual Field Trips for Kids (www.meetmeatthecorner.org)
This series of free educational video pod casts is directed at kids ages 7-12. Each three-minute episode includes links to fun websites, a list of recommended books and a Learning Corner of questions and extended activities about the topic.
New episodes are uploaded every two weeks. On 1/18 there will be an episode about Everyday Physics from the New York Hall of Science. On February 1, there's a show about Thomas Edison filmed at the new Thomas Edison Museum in West Orange New Jersey. And later in February, there is an episode on how to prepare for your school science fair.
Jessica says
Very nice on the all-natural, organic bubble-making from Kiddo! 🙂
Thanks for all of your support over the last few months--I appreciate more than you know!
Anna - Three Sneaky Bugs says
Well, I'm certainly behind in my reading. I couple comments - maps, love them. This bubble projects - certainly doing it during Seth's next bath. Your blog - always remember, it's your space. Never feel silly about it and don't put pressure on yourself. The more you like your posts, the more others will. Daily posts are not necessary. I like the urban family theme.
OK, there was more I was going to say, but have forgotten now because it's too early in the morning.
Eva says
great idea! I can't wait to try this out 🙂 my daughter will love it!