One of the best ways to engage with your child is with easy at home science experiments. Kids of all ages, from toddlers, preschoolers, tweens and teens love the magic-like quality of science projects. Even if your child is too young to understand all the underlying scientific concepts, exploring these ideas will lay a good foundation for learning in later years. And, hey, everyone loves a reason to say, "WOW!"

All of these ideas are easy to do at home and use materials you already have, so there's no excuse not to get started! Happy experimenting!
Make a Thermometer
I did not know this was possible, but the process of making a thermometer is really cool. Find out how to make your own thermometer here and then test it out to see how it works!
Learn about Water Refraction
Is it science or magic? Perhaps it is both! This water refraction experiment is so easy to do at home! Watch the video to see how it's done, and if you want to use our printables you can get them here.
Explore Surface Tension
You might already know about the popular surface tension experiment where you drop water onto a penny, but kids will have even more fun learning about the scientific concept by conducting water drop races! It's so easy and makes a pretty good boredom buster, too.
Make Fog in a Bottle
Learn about the weather! This fog in a bottle experiment is so easy for kids of all ages and you already have everything you need in your kitchen. So next time the "The fog comes on little cat feet," make your own weather inside!
Explore hot and cold air pressure
This at home science experiment will seem like magic! All you need is a small necked bottle and a coin. Kids will learn about how air pressure changes with heat by making a coin jump off a bottle! Learn how to conduct the magic jumping coin scientific investigation here.
Learn about Density
The sink or float experiment is great for preschoolers, and they will particularly enjoy choosing which items they want to test. Kids can perform this experiment using the traditional method, or with a specially made sink or float bottle.
Learn about Acids and Bases
The humble red cabbage will open up a whole new colorful world for your children in this classic after school science project that lets kids explore PH while observing the reaction between acids and bases. You can see it in action in the video!
Make a Salt Volcano
This fun project is different from the classic baking soda and vinegar volcano. It's pretty groovy and the reaction between the salt and oil will remind you of a lava lamp. Get started making a salt volcano right here!
Blow Up a Balloon
Blow up a balloon? That seems pretty basic, right? But not when you use science! Try these two ways to blow up a balloon (without using your mouth). One way will produce quick results, the other way requires patience. Which will your kids prefer? And while you're at it, set up some balloon races.
Fail???? That's right. Conduct an experiment and totally fail at it. Learn how failing will teach your kids to think like scientists. You can read all about how our failure turned into a surprise success at life.
For more at home science experiments, check out our DIY 8 week science camp for summer science fun.
Bronwyn Joy @ Journeys Of The Fabulist says
I like this list! I'd say we have some science-lovers in our family but actually I think all young kids are little scientists. It seems to be in the species!
TechyKids Canada says
Activities like these are perfect for sparking a child's enthusiasm towards science. It can make learning so much fun for kids. Thanks for sharing these ideas!