My favorite time of year is April because it is National Poetry Month! And what better time to dabble in writing poetry than a month dedicated to honoring the art form?
The purpose of this poetry writing challenge is to expose kids to different kinds of poetic forms and to make the prospect of writing poetry totally un-scary. At the end of 4 weeks, they will be amazed at how easy it was to learn to write poetry.

Each weekly challenge consists of two parts. The first part is an exercise that introduces a type of poetic speech. The second part directs kids to compose a simple poem in a specific poetic form.
I've organized the challenge so parents (and teachers and librarians!) can be relaxed about following the guidelines. And take note because even though it's called a poetry writing challenge, but kids don't actually have to pick up a pencil if they don't want to!
Each weekly challenge also includes extension activity suggestions for the ambitious among you, as well as books to read.
MORE: If you are brand new to poetry, try our weekly poetry reading challenge!
No more stalling! On to the challenge!
Week 1:
Exercise 1: Learn about similes and create your own.
Exercise 2: Write an acrostic poem
Extras: Find poetry books and make art for the poems
Get the Details: Simile and Acrostic
MORE: Completing the poetry writing challenge will help kids mark off squares on their Poetry Bingo cards!
Week 2:
Exercise 1: Learn about alliteration and practice creating your own.
Exercise 2: Write a 5 senses color poem.
Extras: Find books, make art and learn about other types of color poetry
Get the Details: Alliteration and Sense Poetry
Week 3:
Exercise 1: Learn about onomatopoeia.
Exercise 2: Write a rhyming couplet.
Extras: Learn about other types of rhyming poetry, find books, and get physical!
Get the Details: Onomatopoeia and Couplets
Week 4:
Exercise 1: Learn about hyberbole and laugh yourself silly.
Exercise 2: Write a haiku.
Extras: Make art, have a contest, create books, and more.
Get the Details: Hyberbole and Haiku
Happy Writing!
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