Board and card games at the table are fun, but kids need to MOVE! It's important to find games for kids and families that include physical movement.
It's no secret that many kids benefit from moving their bodies while learning. What's more, activities that combine gross and fine motor skills enhance the benefits of both, and can boost executive function skills just like some of our favorite family board games!

The following super fun games get kids and families out of their seats and moving their bodies. Many of them were also picks for our guide to the best award winning games for every age.
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Roll and Play
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Roll and Play from ThinkFun is the absolute best game for toddlers ages 18 months and up. This game gets toddlers doing what they do best: moving and acting silly! Players roll the giant plush die to determine a color, pick up a matching color card and follow the visual instructions to perform an action. Roll and Play introduces the concept of game play to young kids in a fun and creative way. Ages 18 months and up.
Awards: Parents Choice Silver, Toy Insider Top Summer Toys
TIPS: 7 Ways to Have a Peaceful Family Game Night
Yoga Dice
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Taking turns, players role yoga dice and attempt to perform the yoga position depicted on the dice. Yoga stretches bodies, improves gross motor skills and coordination. The fact that so many of the positions twist up the body like a pretzel makes kids laugh as they try and complete them. So it not only gets the muscles moving, it gets the smiles coming and we all know happy children are contented children. The manufacturer recommends Yoga Dice for ages 6 and up, but younger kids can play, too.
Stepping Stones
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These cool stepping stones aren't a game per se, but they are the basis for many fun games. They are great for setting up a "the floor is lava" game, an obstacle course or an invented game from your child's imagination. Working on balance increases brain activity and balance games are a staple of occupational therapists. Plus, when working on obstacle course, kids engage their strategic thinking skills! All ages.
Throw Throw Burrito
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My son absolutely loves this game. He was desperate to buy it but we have so so so so many games already I told him he could earn it by playing every single game we owned first. And he did! Throw Throw Burrito is billed as a dodgeball card game. Is there academic learning involved? Okay, no. However, it requires quick thinking and fast physical responses. It also gets you on your feet and moving around the room. Playing the game means lots of laughs and although you can play with two players, the more players the better. Ages 7 and up.
Heads Talk Tails Walk
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Finding an engaging game to play with your kids as young as 3 is not an easy feat. So many board games are designed for older kids. This selection from ThinkFun is perfect for preschoolers. Heads Talk Tails Walk gets kids moving, laughing and using the parts of their brain involved with reasoning and coordination. What better way to connect with your child than through laughter and pretending! I also love the sturdiness of the cards, just right for less-than-careful little hands. Ages 3 and up.
Awards: Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award, National Parenting Products Award, Play Advances Language Award, Parents Choice Silver Award.
Land Sea Air
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Land Sea Air is a quick brain break game that gets your kids exercising both their bodies and quick thinking brain muscles. I've written about it and recommended it for a fun physical boredom buster many times. We love it. It is similar in concept to Simon Says and is just as simple to learn. Click here to read the full instructions. Ages 2 and up.
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You probably know all about the classic pantomime game charades so why not play it today! Try mixing things up by choosing a theme beforehand, like all book titles must include an animal, or all movies must be comedies. If your kids need help with their pantomime skills, this site lists common clues used in charades, like opening closed hands to indicate a book. Ages 5 and up.
Clapping Games
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Clapping games, from the simple patty cake with babies to the complicated routines tweens love are great games for engaging the brain and body together! Your kids can find lots of how-tos for clapping games on YouTube, like this one! All ages, depending on the game.
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