This cute snow globe coloring page makes a great winter craft!
Children's book illustrator and author, Melanie Hope Greenberg designed the snow globe ready for kids to fill it! Kids can do their own drawings on the snowy landscape or cut out and place the included assortment of decorations the globe.

Snow Globe Coloring Page Craft How-To
The snow globe craft makes a fun boredom buster at home on a wintery day or an easy library story time craft.
Snow globe coloring page
- Print it out here (By clicking on the following link you agree to our terms of service* see end of post) -->: snow globe coloring page
Coloring pencils, crayons or markers
Tape or glue stick
Optional craft material: glitter, glitter glue, stickers, sequins, etc.
Optional: Cardboard
Print out the snow globe coloring page and color as desired. Draw inside the globe, or leave it blank to add cut-outs.
Cut out objects and snowflakes from around the globe that you wish to place inside the snow globe. For a bit of whimsy, cut out a small photo of yourself and add inside the globe!
Glue objects in place as desired and use optional materials to jazz up the snow globe scene.
If desired, cut out the main snow globe and glue onto cardboard. Next, cut around the globe and prop up on a bookshelf for all to admire!
About the Illustrator
Melanie Hope Greenberg loves to shake snow globes. She also leads excellent workshops about the process of making children's books! Learn about how to bring her talk to your library or school, or request teacher's guides for her books at her blog here.
Melanie is an award winning author and illustrator of more than 15 children’s books. She was an Artist-In-Residence at the Eric Carle Museum and her books have been featured as a NY Times Great Children's Read. Her cheerful, vibrant illustrations can be found in books such as Mermaid Parade, Good Morning, Digger, Down in the Subway and A City Is, all of which take place in the city!
*Terms of Service: this coloring page is used with permission from Melanie Hope Greenberg and is for non-commercial use ONLY. You many print out as many copies as you like for personal, library or classroom use. If you would like to share this coloring page, you MUST link to this blog page. It is expressly forbidden to link directly to the coloring page pdf file.
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