Do you remember those vocab tests you took in middle and high school? The ones where you memorized tons of words and regurgitated them in multiple choice format? Did you actually learn vocabulary that way? Yeah, me neither.
And why do you not remember any of those random vocab words? Because vocabulary is meaningless if not used in context.
Well, it turns out summer is a great way to practice vocabulary in context. Summer! Who knew?
That's right. Every summer, the kids and I use a word jar to introduce new vocabulary.

The best way to boost vocabulary in children is through reading and conversation, and since we certainly have the reading element taken care of I created a snazzy-dazzling word jar to improve our conversational vocabulary. Parents, we all need to brush-up our vocabulary, too, right? After all, we lost a lot of brain cells during those sleepless nights.
Here's how it works:
Every morning this summer, my son chooses a word from his vocabulary word jar. Then, throughout the day we have a good-sport contest to see who can use the word in context the most. It's quite fun and we end up creating silly observations about our day.
1. Keep it simple. Don't start with SAT word lists! I filled our jar with words I found on these grade level lists based on his reading level, picking and choosing words I thought he might be unfamiliar with but which he could pick up easily.
2. Include some words with double meanings. A word like signal is both a noun and a verb. A word such as staple is a noun, verb and adjective and has a few completely different meanings.
3. Use words your child knows but may not regularly use. The above example of signal is perfect. My son knew the meaning of this word when he picked it from the jar, but I'd never actually hear him use it as a verb in conversation before. Now he uses it a lot!
4. Relax. Don't make it a test. Some days we use the word a lot in conversation. Other days my son spends 10 minutes thinking up the craziest sentences he can and then doesn't use the word again. That's okay. It's summer. It's supposed to be fun. The real goal is simply to demonstrate the benefits and joys of having a large vocabulary, not to get your 7-year-old using the word specious appropriately every day.
5. Use words from previous days. Truth be told, it is mostly up to me to reuse words from previous days in our conversation. I love that when I do, my son's face shines with acknowledgment and understanding.
I admit, my favorite part of this activity is not even that my son is learning and retaining new words, it's that we can have a lot of cheerful conversational moments at a time when he is displaying too much typical 7 year old petulance! It turns out the word jar is a great parenting tool!
Did you know wordless books are an excellent way to build your child's vocabulary? Try using words from the summer word jar when you "read" wordless books! Here is a list of great wordless books, and here are the best tips for "reading" wordless books with your children. I offer a lot of tips I learned from my days as an actor!
Pamela says
Love this idea, I will make one today for my kiddies!
Raising a Happy Child says
It's an interesting idea! Mostly we just get new words from reading and listening, but perhaps I can do a little more about retaining them.
Malia {Playdough to Plato} says
Great idea! I'm going to share on my Facebook page. 🙂
Mom and Kiddo says
Thanks, Malia!
Chelsea @ Moments A Day says
Love love love this idea and appreciate the link for vocab lists. Thanks for sharing!
Erica MomandKiddo says
Thanks Chelsea! Glad those links were useful.
Deceptively Educational says
Great idea and so much fun, too! Thanks for sharing this at the After School Linky Party; I'm featuring this tomorrow. Stop by and check it out. While you're there, share MORE great ideas of yours, too! I hope to see you there!
Erica MomandKiddo says
Yay! Thanks for the feature.
Erin says
I absolutely LOVE these! Just pinned! Thank you so much for adding this post to my vocabulary link-up.
Erica MomandKiddo says
My pleasure! I look forward to future installments of the series.
Erin says
Also, your blog design is gorgeous. 🙂
Erica MomandKiddo says
Thanks, Erin. It's all the work of my awesome designer, Shay Bocks.
Jillian says
I ADORE this idea! Printing out and making my list this week. You are awesome. Thank you. Thank you!
Emmanuel says
Love these ideas! Here are some Summer Vocabulary builder ideas from Teacher Sherpa.
Lauren @thesmilelines says
Great idea!! I will try this!
Erica says
Emily says
I just found your blog after looking for good read aloud chapter books for 4-6 year olds, and I have to say - I love it!!! I read your about page and it's like you jumped in my brain and read my thoughts on parenting and motherhood. Our summer vacation officially begins tomorrow be I can't wait to adopt some of your ideas into our routines. Thank you!
Erica says
Thanks for your comment, Emily. I'm glad you found the ideas useful. Have a great summer!
Jake Bersani says
I just found this blog today looking for good graphic novels for my ESL school. I love this blog. I've been in a rut with game ideas and general learning tactics. Your site has so many refreshing angles to making kids happy and exercising their brain at the same time. Nice work!
Erica says
Erica Lenart says
I know this is more than a decade since this was posted, but I want to say that I love this idea! I also love every book list you provide freely! I work in the children's department at our public library and am a home school mama, so your book lists are absolutely wonderful! I use them often. Thank you!!
Erica says
Thank you for the kind words! It's a timeless idea, for sure!