Enhance your child's summer reading with these cheery printable seaside bookmarks from children's book author and illustrator, Melanie Hope Greenberg.

Each bookmark features an ocean themed image to color. There are seashells, boats on the water, a whale and a surfboard waiting patiently by a coconut tree. It's impossible to pick a favorite, but if pressed, I'd have to pick the smiling whale. What about you?
Download and Print: (by clicking on the following link you agree to our terms of service* see below) Breezy by-the-seashore bookmarks
Tip: for longer lasting seaside bookmarks print out on heavy paper or card stock. But never fret! If one gets lost or torn, simply print out another and color anew!
For more old fashioned summer fun you can print out Melanie's other darling oceanside-themed coloring pages:
Obviously every child who is spending time at the beach (under an umbrella, slathered with sunblock, of course!), or who is dreaming of spending time at the beach, needs these four seaside bookmarks to mark their place when they take a break to build a sandcastle or surf in the waves.
Pack a few blank bookmark sheets as you set out on the drive to the ocean and have the kids color them in the car or on the train instead of turning on the ol' iPad.
Meet the Illustrator
Melanie Hope Greenberg loves the seaside, especially Coney Island! She is an award winning author and illustrator of more than 15 children’s books. Her cheerful, vibrant illustrations can be found in books such as Good Morning, Digger, Down in the Subway and A City Is. Her very popular Mermaids on Parade was selected as a Bank Street Best Book, and for the Texas Reading Club and PBS Kids Summer Reading Lists.
Melanie does wonderful school visits where she teaches kids about the process of writing and illustrating children's visits. Learn more at her website.
*Terms of Service: this coloring page is used with permission from Melanie Hope Greenberg and is for non-commercial use ONLY. You many print out as many copies as you like for personal, library or classroom use. If you would like to share this coloring page, you MUST link to this blog page. It is expressly forbidden to link directly to the coloring page pdf file.
Laurie says
I recently came across an original illustration which I think must come from a children's book, but I've no idea which, not can I read the artists name. I was hoping you might be able to help me.
BTW, I love your listed of children's books by decade.