So you're here today because you want to learn about poop. Or more likely, your children do. In either case, you've come to the right place, because my sons are experts in books on this topic. Together, we've chooses their favorite children's books about poop that are not just entertaining, they are informative.

I included mostly nonfiction poop books, as well as a few favorite fiction poop books (never thought I'd use that phrase in my life) that you can read aloud to your kids. After all, story time should be irreverent and full of giggles, right? (Note: this post contains affiliate links that earn commission from qualifying purchases.)
Nonfiction Poop Books
These books give you all the facts about the stuff your kids want most to learn about. You will learn more than you ever wanted to know.
Poop: A Natural History of the Unmentionable by Nicola Davies (who has a degree in zoology!). Everything you ever wanted to know. Everything. For example, did you know that ants suck the feces straight from the tushies of greenflies? Like, I said: everything. I love the wide format of this book and the friendly text which makes learning about poop more fun than you can ever imagine.
Jurassic Poop: What Dinosaurs (and Others) Left Behind by Jacob Berkowitz. Million-year old poop sure has an interesting story to tell. Kids will learn that history is not just told in books, but in the things (ahem) we leave behind (from our behind - pun intended!) Lots of information about how poop is made, how it is created, and why it is so highly valued by scientists in the field.
The Truth About Poop by Susan E Goodman. Are you sure you can handle the truth? You might not be able to, but I bet your children can handle it! The books is divided into three parts, a look at who poops and how, an exploration of toilets (doesn't that sound fun?), and how poop can experience a useful afterlife. Ages 7 and up.
What Do They Do with All that Poo? by Jane Kurtz. If your children have ever wondered why the zoo is not filled to the brim with animal poo, here's the answer! With bright illustrations the animals is introduced in the simple narrative, and a fact blurb about digestive system about each animal accompanies the illustrations. Great for ages 4 and up.
Poop Happened!: A History of the World from the Bottom Up by Sarah Albee. This book declares it is the "number one book on number two." There is a ton of information about waste, sewage systems, excrement and their places in history and culture in this book. Ages 8 and up.
Everyone Poops by Taro Gomi. The classic! I bet you already know about this classic book about poop, but if you don't, check it out! Simple, colorful illustrations and simple text lets kids know we are all in this together. For ages 2 and up.
Fiction Poop Books
If your tired of reading about the intimate details of number two, satisfy your kids' need with these story books.
Poopendous! by Artie Bennett. Here's what you didn't know you needed: a rhyming poop safari. I really don't what else to say about this, other than your kids will love it. Ages 4 and up
Poo in the Zoo by Steve Smallman. Another book about the life story of zoo fecal matter! Can you stand it? Silly, funny rhymes follow the zookeeper as he searches for the culprit who left a pile of glowing poop.
The Butt Book by Artie Bennett. Okay, so technically not about the subject matter at hand, it is an essential companion book. A very silly, rhyming book about -- you guessed it -- butts. The absolute favorite subject of children of all ages. And once again, they will LOVE it.
Brief Thief by Michaël Escoffier. There is only a brief (ha!) reference to poop in this book but it is an extremely important one! It is absolutely impossible not to laugh at this book! Especially the ending! Your kids will be rolling on the floor. Seriously. I don’t want to give it away so let’s just say it involves a chameleon, a wash tub, a rabbit, a conscience and holey briefs. If that’s not a recipe for hilarity I don’t know what is. Even my stoic husband cracked a smile and that’s all the evidence you need.
More books for you:
Anna - Three Sneaky Bugs says
Susan @ learning ALL the time!! says
This is funny! One of Lauren's favorite books lately is a book she found at the library about the history of toilets 🙂 I am going to try to get a post done of the girls' favorites...I'll be including that one.
MaryAnne says
lol. My kids haven't fallen in love with poop books yet. I'm sure it's only a matter of time...
bioluminescence says
Yup, we have 3 of those! Also try the picture book The Flight of the Dodo by Peter Brown, a beautiful story of some flightless birds and their persistance in pursuing their dream of target pooping.
Amanda says
Lol, my daughter would love those books! She thinks the word poop is so funny.
Jen says
Love the everyone poops book, and also by the same author...The gas we pass! 😉 Both can be bought on my books website 😀
Christy says
We have Everyone Poops. I'll have to look for the others; my kids think poop is just the funniest thing ever - why is that?
Raising a Happy Child says
We only read one out of 4, and it looks like my daughter will enjoy the "scientific" three even more. Thanks for the recommendations and joining WMCIR!
Isil says
Wonderful books,even if they are about poop ;)Thanks for linking up to Book Sharing Monday.Lovely to see you there.
shyrgil says
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Melissa @ Honey Bee Books says
Who would have guessed there was so much you could write about poop? Love it! Thanks for linking up to Keeping it Real 🙂
Sylvia B says
Thank you so much for this list. it's hilarious. my kids LOVE this stuff. If it gets kids reading, than who cares. lol
you forgot one:
I Eat Poop: A Dung Beetle Story
Erica says
I'll have to look for that one!
Sylvia B says
Can I get this in a list form to print? You usually have a spot that has them all listed. Thanks.
Erica says
Hi Sylvia, Sadly, I don't have a pdf yet for this list, yet. My older lists were made before I started doing pdfs and I haven't been able to play catch up on all of them!