This list of 1970s children's books is meant as the picture book companion to my post about great 1970s chapter book classics that I compiled as part of my series, Children's Classics by the Decade in which I shared favorites children's novels from the 20th century.

I think it is safe to say all parents enjoy reading books they discovered during their childhood to their own kids. Most of these were books read to me as a kid and I still love them today.
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1970s Children's Picture Books
Ben's Trumpet by Rachel Isadora (1979)
Ben hangs out by the jazz club at night, listening to the various instruments. During the day, he plays his imaginary trumpet for his family and friends. One day, a few kids tease Ben but a musician comes to the rescue and invites Ben to practice on a real trumpet at the club. This is a lovely book about how a passion for music can enrich lives, inspire the imagination and bring people together. Lovely.
Fish for Supper by M. B. Goffstein
I have always been in awe of how this little book with line drawings and a non-nonsense story can be so utterly beguiling and that's why I am so delighted that Goffstein's Newbery Honor book Fish for Supper is back in print. The story is simple–a grandmother gets up at 5, goes out to the lake, catches a fish for her supper, cleans, cooks and enjoys eating the fish. The old lady's quiet enjoyment of self-reliance and dedication to her task is captivating. She is a marvel.
The Maggie B. by Irene Haas
Like me, my mom primarily checked out books from the library, but this was one of the few precious picture books she bought. I imagine it was because the girl and her brother reminded her of me and my brother. I loved this book, with its gorgeous watercolors and the story of an imaginary, self-sufficient day on a boat out at sea. After reading this book, living on a tiny boat will seem like the most glorious experience you can possible imagine.
MORE: Quiet Classics: Forgotten Books You'll Want to Remember
It Could Always Be Worse by Margot Zemach
Who said reading about gratitude had to be serious! Read this very funny tale. A poor man lives in an overcrowded house and the noise and activity is driving him crazy! He seeks out advice from the local rabbi who tells him to bring the barn animals into his house, which turns the place into utter chaos. The illustrations are so much fun to sift through, with their funny little vignettes inside the house. When the farmer finally removes the excess animals and people from the house he declares everything to finally be peaceful...only... it is exactly as it was when he started out.
Amos & Boris by Willian Steig (1971)
Fans of Willliam Steig love his books The Amazing Bone and Dr. DeSoto, but have you also read this charming tale of friendship? Amos the mouse sets out to sea in his boat, but soon finds himself in trouble. Boris the whale surfaces next to him and the two bond over their mammal-ness. Boris saves Amos and the two part ways. Much later, against all odds, Amos is able to repay Boris for his kindness.
The Giant Jam Sandwich by John Vernon Lord and Janet Burroway (1972)
Written in verse, this is the story of how the village of Itching Down (now if that doesn't make you laugh, I don't know what will) attempts to solve its wasp-invasion problem by trapping them in a giant jam sandwich. Now, how can you not love that premise? So funny.
The Shrinking of Treehorn by Florence Parry Heide, illustrated by Edward Gorey (1971)
This rather strange story has its devoted fans, and if you haven't yet read this book I invite you to join our ranks! Treehorn tries to tell his parents that he is shrinking but they brush him off. The teachers at school also fail to take seriously the situation and Treehorn is left to solve the problem himself. Heide's writing style is so matter of fact that the story becomes quite hilarious. Gorey's illustrations are suitably droll.
Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs: A Tale from the Brothers Grimm, illustrated by Nancy Ekholm Burkert (1972)
I had this book as a child and I will always remember being surprised at the ending in which Snow White's stepmother was forced to dance to her death while wearing red hot iron shoes. I wasn't alarmed by it; in fact I always found the Disney movie much, much more frightening. I don't think (most) kids find the original Grimm stories to be as disturbing as modern adults do. In any case, if you are going to share fairy tales with your child, the illustrations in this book are dazzlingly marvelous.
A Story A Story by Gail E. Haley (1970)
Beautiful, vibrant woodcut illustrations accompany the legend of how Ananse, or the Spider-Man, is determined to get stories from the Sky-God. The Sky-God sends Ananse off on several quests, never believing that a weak and old man will fulfill the tasks. Ananse is much more clever than anyone suspects. Trickster folk tales are always classics.
MORE: Pourquoi Tales
Come Away From the Water, Shirley by John Burningham (1977)
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I debated between this book and Mr. Gumpy's Outing, but felt this one may be the less-well known of the two. I've never read a Burningham book I didn't absolutely love. Shirley and her parents spend the afternoon at the beach. Shirley's parents lounge in their chairs, offering their daughter trite admonishments not to get too dirty or to play with strange dogs. Meanwhile, Shirley is deep in her own secret, imaginary world, having splendid adventures with pirates.
MORE: See all our classic book lists
Ana says
I absolutely adore this round-up! You are right that parents love revisiting childhood faves with their kids 🙂
Anna@The Measured Mom says
Amos and Boris is one of our all time favorites! What a priceless story - it chokes me up every time. It's so beautifully written with such wonderful vocabulary. The Giant Jam Sandwich is a new favorite. Need to check out other titles on your list!
Erica MomandKiddo says
I only read it as an adult, but I just love it!
readswritesrollerskates says
Great list! Now I need to check out Ben's Trumpet!
Erica MomandKiddo says
You will love it!
E.S. Ivy says
LOVE the Giant Jam Sandwich. I can still remember the story even though it has been years and years since I last saw that book.
Amy @ Sunlit Pages says
I'm only familiar with three out of the ten (Ben's Trumpet, The Giant Jam Sandwich, and Amos & Boris), so I'm excited to check out the others!
Nora says
We loved "Who's a Pest?" as kids in the 70s. Didn't realize it then, but it is also a great empathy lesson. Thank you for this great list, I have some new titles to explore!
Evelyn says
Can you help me? I'm looking for a book I read as a child in the 80s, but I think it was from the 70s. I'm having the hardest time remembering what it was called, but maybe you came across it while writing this post. It was about a boy who was shorter than everyone he knew, and a girl who was taller than everyone she knew, but then they met and were the same size. Any ideas? Thanks!
Anne says
If you like The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses, Paul Goble wrote another really good book called, The Gift of the Sacred Dog about how horses came to live with Native Americans.
Byron Sutherland says
I'm looking for a collection of fairy tales I had as a child in the 70s. I'm 50 years old and i remember the version of Sleeping Beauty in it where her mother in law ate her children. Yes, that's the version. My mother read it to me and I always remembered it. The pictures were mostly in black and white. For some reason, I'm nostalgic for that book. Yes, none of the Disney fairy tales are anything like the original and I much prefer the originals. My mother never edited anything and I'm glad of it. Too many books are censured and edited today that takes away the author's original intent.
Karen Thornley says
Hi, my sister and I loved a book in our childhood. We are now in our early 60's and we can remember it quite clearly, but cannot remember the exact title or author. It was a hardback book, beautifully illustrated and the main character was a little girl called Isabella (or similar), and she lived in the clouds. In my memory, the clouds were pink. If anyone else can shed some light on this, it would be amazing! Thank you.