If you are like me, you can NEVER have too many ideas for boredom busters with the kids.
But not all boredom busters are created equal, which is why I only share ideas with you that A) Work; and B) Have staying power. I mean, what good is a boredom buster if it doesn't keep the kids busy for more than 30 seconds?
Also, a boredom buster gets bonus points for having a hyperbole in its name. Such as.... oh, let's say, "EXTREME."
Now, I wouldn't normally suggest something as mundane as a workbook. (Ugh, doesn't the sound of that word just make you want to cringe????) However, my son is unusual in that he loves workbooks of all kinds! (Weirdo.) He especially loves worksheets that involve numbers. Since he also likes connect the dot activities I found the perfect combination.

(Note: this post contains affiliate links that earn from qualifying purchases.)
He adores Extreme Dot to Dots books that his grandparents gave him.
I love them because they keep him EXTREMEly busy. After all, connecting 1500 dots takes time. They are also a sneaky way to get kids practicing those all important fine motor skills, as well as counting. I've also found they are terrific to tote along to restaurants!
The dot to dot books come in several themes like dinosaurs, animals, mythical creatures, even world landmarks. You can see all of them here.
Of course if you want to go the homemade route you can check out our toddler dot to dot or get your kids using both gross and fine motor skills with this giant dot to dot.
Notice how he is studiously avoiding using the correction grip on his pencil. Ugh.
More fantastic boredom busters:
MaryAnne says
That looks awesome. Now to get my kids counting better. Emma taught herself to read, but can't count to 20 even consistently...
Ellen says
i already wrote a long wise acre comment but i think it's in the ether. to summarize, that's a lotta dots and why are you anti pencil grip thingy?
Ellen says
writing yet another comment because on that one i didn't get the chance to click that i want comments emailed to me. the fact that you have to click that each and every time individually is one of the things about blogger that makes me twitch.
Sarah Slaven says
I have never seen one so big and I want one! Eli won't used the grips either he says they feel icky on his fingers.
Mom and Kiddo says
@Ellen: I'm not anti-pencil grip thingy. I want him to use it, but in the photo he's not actually using it.
Raising a Happy Child says
1500 dots? My daughter will never have attention span for that, or maybe I project my own attention span to her. I have never seen pencil grips before - what are they for?
Susan @ learning ALL the time!! says
Wow! I cannot imagine connecting 1500 dots!!
Thanks for linking up 🙂