The boys and I have a particular penchant for math art. We love making tessellations, playing with shapes and even turn treats into fractions. It goes without saying that a toy that explores math and art simultaneously is one we will love. This Kaleidograph design toy is a clever way to explore shapes, geometry and relative size in a clever, snazzy fashion.

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Red Hen sent us Kaleidograph sets to play around with. My 9 year old was the first to try it out. (Actually, that's not quite true since, when it arrived, I immediately opened it and could not resist playing with the designs on my own.)
Each Kaleidograph set includes a stack of die cut cards in different geometric shapes and colors. There are 4 different sets, 2 in color, and 2 in black and white. According the the package you can make "billions" of different designs. We did not test out that theory but you can certainly make a lot!
He really like trying to make some of the Kaleidograph designs that came with the enclosed fold out. If you've been following this blog over the years (thank you loyal readers!) you know my older son's brain loves structure. He enjoyed the "figure-it-out-part" of making the designs. He told me some of them were "really challenging but fun."
My 5 year old was more free-handed with the design cards, mixing them up willy-nilly. He was completely uninterested in trying to make the designs on the "map", but still created some awesome math art designs.
While he worked, he started chatting to me about how some shapes were bigger and that affected how he stacked them. I love how the simple play was helping reinforce concepts that are important for a strong math foundation.
It's a nice toy to have around to fill up those small empty moments of time. I've taken to leaving the Kaleidograph on the table and the boys wander over to it and start fiddling around with it when they are waiting for something else to happen.
Watch a video of the Kaleidograph in action:
Disclosure: Red Hen sent us Kaleidograph toys for review purposes. Long time readers know I only (and rarely) accept merchandise for consideration if I truly love the product and think you will, too.
Johanna says
This is great! Thanks, Erica.
Karen Finch says
The best "toys" sneak in clever, cool creativity. Thanks for sharing, Erica!
Melia says
My 6 year old son is numbers and statistics obsessed. He would love this! Thanks for the great ideas!
Erin says
Super cool! My daughter would love this!
Marci says
My son would love this!!! (And so would I!)
Stacey says
I loved Spirograph as a kid, and think my girls (and I!) could spend a lot of time with this!
Kelly says
My kids would love this! I bet it would be great for long boredom filled summer days.
--anu says
I think it is lovely how you call it math art 🙂
If my daughter had one of these, I think within an hour she would be cutting additional pieces to make even more designs (not because there aren't enough, that is just who she is).
Lynette Larkins says
Fabulous idea. I love the non-electronic nature of it too. Perfect for my math girls, ages 7 & 9.
Jessica @ Play Trains! says
These are so cool! I played with one at a toy store once when my son was a cool. I'd love to share it with him now that he could play with it himself.
Alison says
Wow, I love these! They would be great to use in my classroom as well as at home. I could see using them in a math center, art activity or during indoor recess.
Jemma Aitken says
These look super fun! I think all 3 of my kids would enjoy these on different levels.
Carolyn says
This looks AWESOME!! Great find. 🙂
Thayer says
How cool!
Corrie says
So cool! It looks like a great toy!
Even in Australia says
This looks great!
jaime says
What a fun toy!
Mary Catherine says
Wow, those are so cool! I'd be like you and get into them first, but my son would adore these. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Anne says
Love! Reminds me of a Spirograph for some reason!!
Tanya Rubezhov says
I LOVE it!!! I know my kids would absolutely love it, too.
Thank you so much for the giveaway and for sharing about such great and fun tool.
Kirstin says
Looks like fun! I know my daughter would enjoy it!
Baiba says
This looks sooo great 🙂 My daughter is opposit of your boys - she adores art, and I try to "push her" towards mathematics. This is exactly that we need!!!
Carolynn says
what a fun toy! great find!
Brandy Fisk says
It looks like something that my sons and daycare kids would have fun with!
Bethany Winston says
My kids love toys like this. Thanks for the giveaway!
RK says
This is really neat. My 4 year old would love this.
MaryAnne says
My kids love this toy!
Veronica Vigloria says
This looks great. Thanks!
Anitha Kuppuswamy says
andrea v says
I think this is great and something different (:
mysillylittlelife says
Love this! And thank you for all the hard work you put into this blog.
Aaren says
Wow! This looks so cool!
Lisa Hollinger Barto says
my seven year old would love these!
Nancy says
I think this looks like a great learning set. There are so many variations that it could be used for a long period of time - probably years. This would be great for quiet time learning or for use while traveling in a car or on a plane!
Stephanie Byers says
Whoa, that is a cool looking toy. I think my 4 year old daughter would get a kick out of it.
Julie Lee says
This looks great. I'm always looking for activities that make the kids think!
Debbie Lewis says
My grandkids would love this and so would I !!!!
Valerie V says
WOW! This looks like endless fun! I think I'd like to play with it myself! Thanks for offering this!
Amy @ Sunlit Pages says
This looks like fun! It could be just the thing we need this summer!
Rochel S says
It looks really cool! My kids would really enjoy this!
Michelle Sterling says
What a great toy/tool!
Marija says
Love it! It's a toy that I'd like to play with as well.
Nichole says
These have been on my Amazon wish list for some time...
Sofia says
Love the simplicity behind this toy. At the same time, the amount of imagination/creativity put into this is amazing. Definitely a toy that would keep both my boy entertained for hours!
Kristen Creese says
My kids would LOVE this and it might help with the summer boredom and the summer slide 🙂
Terri Moore says
I think this is a great idea for a toy! I would have fun playing with making different designs with it too. I think everyone would have a hard time not picking it up and trying it out.
Lilith Katz says
This looks really cool for kids, or adults 🙂
heather says
I would love to win this one these look awesome.
KHBride says
What a great idea! I'd have loved these as a kid (and love them now)!
Merrilee Willoughby says
Awesome! My little would love this!
Amanda says
That's pretty cool. My niece would love these!
Wendy Pesce says
I think my little boy would love these
amber whitehead says
So fun I think both my son and the preschoolers I work with would love this for an art activity.
Crystal Gibson says
I think this would be an amazing addition to our home, not only for a sensory side of things, but also with learning shapes, colors, learning how to create new shapes, so many different things... I love this idea, its simply amazing!
Sunnie says
I think this is sweet! Id love to win this for my girls for homeschooling and just plain fun!
Melissa L. says
I think the kids would love these! I love that there are so many designs to make.
Samantha Baker says
I think this is great! Fun and cool
Kristine says
Very cool! Love pattern making. Son would love stacking these to change the look of the patterns.
Jamie G says
This looks like something my daughter would play with for hours she loves theses different kinds of toys.
Jessica P says
I think this is a really neat and unique idea!
Vikki Billings says
I think they are so cool and I know that my nieces and I could make some really cool art pieces with them!
Becky VanGinkel says
I think that my 10 year old son and our 4 year old daughter would like to compete to see who can make the coolest designs with these 🙂 Thanks for the chance!!
Dianna Thomas says
These are interesting and I can see how the patterns and ideas come together
cassandra says
This seems like a great hands on toy.
Betty Canterbury says
i think this is kool and my boys would love it
gayle gildehaus says
i love artsy toys.My kids would like these.
Saver Sara says
I love this. This is such a creative idea and so much fun.
Jenn S says
ooh, this looks really fun!
Rachel C says
My kids would love this too! The popular things at Christmas this year were the spirograph and the string spirograph, so I'm sure this would be fun too.
Mel says
My kids would have a blast.
Brandi R. Gates says
This looks like fun
Shana Elliott says
This looks really cool! My 9 year old daughter loves arts and crafts!
Dorothy Teel says
I think that this is great looks like a lot of fun for this mi Maw here to share with her grand daughters,
megan tilley says
I am having my first child in august and I love these things like this where you can learn and play at the same time
tracy webb says
Looks like fun, kids will love. I would like to try using for X-Mas gifts.
Melissa Cunningham says
Seems cool and entertaining
Emi says
I think that my 4 year olds would like these and I can sneak in some lessons about shapes too.
Jen S says
This looks great! My boys and I would love this 🙂
yarnaddicted says
Love this - looks like fun and educational too!
Kim Reid
sara giresi says
I love toys that invite creative thinking!
Diana Hunsberger says
What a wonderful way to play with shapes!
Karla says
Very Fun!
Noreen says
These look like so much fun
angelasaver says
I think this looks like a whole lot of fun! The kids would have a blast with it!
brittany riley says
this seems like a fun toy that can be played for hours
Diana Hatch says
I think this would be so fun for my granddaughters
Debby Chandler says
I like it. I think it would keep kids busy for a long time.
Shannon Anderson says
I like how they can use their imagination to try out the different cards to make the designs. Nice for all ages to use too. Would even work, I think, for sewing too.
jeremy mclaughlin says
This looks fun.
Paige says
At this point, I'm interested in anything that is not TV or video games or having to schlep us all to the pool...but this does look super fun!
amanda whiltey says
i think its neat and my daughter would have fun making art with it.
Allison says
very interesting and enhances creativity!
Emily D. says
I think it's interesting. My older nephew, who is 4, would probably really enjoy this.
Debbie R. says
We are kaleidoscope lovers in this house. What a cool toy to explore with!!!
leslie roberts says
what a kewl idea, my granddaughter loves doing some form of arts and crafts
Mandy says
My daughter would have so much fun with this!
Patti says
What a great idea to keep kids learning and maintaining their math skills. Love it and I love this site.
christy colln says
I think that my son would love this and my new son on the way will love it as is very cool!
Rachel Coleman says
I love this! It would be great for my daughter this summer to have fun with.
Kate Benson says
I haven't seen anything like that, my little one is getting into making geometric shapes so this would be great. Thanks for the interesting post.
Candie L says
I would definatley use this in my math class. Thank you
RunningAmy (@GoForARunNow) says
My boys would LOVE this. How cool!!
Trish says
This is such a fun, creative and educational toy!!
Jennifer Shelton says
I love this! My son would love it also!
Jenny Stanek says
I think this is so cool, very unique!
Nichole says
Nice! These are the types of things I love to use with my children.
Sue Hull says
I buy design coloring books and they arent cheap. I think this set is awesome. I could make my own designs for my nieces and I to color. These look like hours of fun. Thank you for the great giveaway 🙂