Active Art
My kids love art projects that involve spinning, smushing, rolling - anything that moves and is active! Most of these projects are also indoor activities, which means that you can do them even when you are stuck inside. They will require minimal clean up, and in most cases are also easy to set up. Have fun!
Painting with Magnets: Amazing Science Art Project
Painting with Marbles: A Fun Ball Rolling Art Project
How to Make Salad Spinner Art
10 Indoor Active Art Projects for Kids
Kids' Stained Glass Window Art Project
Window Painting: Rainy Day Activity
No-Prep Art Exploration Activity For Preschoolers
Painting With Water to Make Chalkboard Art
Shaken Container Painting: Art Project for Active Kids
Marbled Paper Art with Shaving Cream
No-Mess Color Mixing Activity: "Color Smushing"