Dice games are not just an excellent way to while away the time. The benefits of playing dice games for kids are many! Playing these games will expose kids to the wonders of probability, put math calculation skills to use, improve visual perception and manual dexterity,
Not only that, while playing dice games, your children will be improving their social skills. They will need to learn patience, turn taking and good sportsmanship! Below you will find a collection of all our favorite dice games. Most of these games are for 2 or more players, and use anywhere from one to six dice. All of them are easy dice games.

Players of all ages can enjoy these games. Preschoolers may need the extra help of a kind adult and can still work on their number and quantity recognition skills. Handling the dice will work those fine motor and coordination skills.
Elementary school aged children will continue to practice basic math facts and can play independently with their peers, which gives them a great space to work on social and communication skills.
Parents and grandparents (and other adults) will enjoy the bonding time that comes with playing a game with their children. It offers a relatively relaxed opportunity to connect with your child, talk about the day, guide them in learning new skills and to just have fun without worrying about "getting something done!"
Which one will be your favorite?
NOTE: further down you will find instructions to get printable instructions!
How to Play Passage
What you need:
- 2 dice
- 2 or more players
Objective: to be the first player to reach 11 points.
To set up the game each player rolls a die. The highest scoring roll will be the player who begins the game. The player who rolled the lowest number will now roll a second time and the number on the die becomes the "point number."
Starting with the first player, players take turns rolling two dice. If he rolls the point number, he gets one point. If he rolls doubles of the point number he gets two points. Each player gets only one roll per turn.
The first player to get 11 points wins.
Need help? Watch the video:
How to Play Run for It
What you need:
- 6 dice
- 2 or more players
Objective: to be the first to reach 100
Alternating turns, each player rolls 6 dice. Looking at the dice, the player attempts to organize them into runs. A run is a sequence of numbers, such as 1-2-3-4-5-6. For each number used in a run, the player scores 5 points. Dice may only be used once when creating a run. Runs must begin with the number 1.
For example, a roll of 1-2-4-5-6-6 scores 10 points for the run 1-2.
For example, a roll of 1-2-1-2-3-4 scores 10 points for the run 1-2, and 20 points for the run 1-2-3-4 for a total of 30 points.
If there is no run, no score is recorded. For example, a roll of 1-3-4-4-5-6 scores zero points.
Play continues until one player has reached 100 points.
Watch the video to see how it's done.
How to Play Fifty
What you need:
- 2 dice
- 2 or more players
Objective: be the first player to reach 50
Taking turns, players roll two dice, one roll per turn. If they do not roll doubles, they do not score for that turn.
If they roll doubles, they earn a score as follows:
- Double 1s, 2s, 4s, 5s = 5 points
- Double 6s = 25 points
- If they roll double 3s, their score up to that point is wiped out and they must restart accumulating points.
The first player to reach 50 points wins.
Surprise! I even have a video for you:
How to Play Knock Out
What you need:
- 2 dice
- 2 or more players
Objective: to be the first player to reach 100; or have the highest score at the end of a predetermined number of rounds. (We prefer to play for 10 rounds.)
To set up the game decide if you will play to 100 or for a number of rounds. Chose 6, 7, or 8 as the "knock-out number." The knock out number can be the same for all players, or each player can have a different knock out number. We find the best way to play is with 7 as everyone's knock-out number. A round is complete when all players have had one turn.
Taking turns, players roll both dice, if they do not roll the knock-out number the total score is recorded for that turn and the pass the dice to the player on their left.
For example, if the roll is 2-3, the player earns 5 points.
If player rolls the knock-out number they receive no score for that round. But not only that, the player's accumulated score is "knocked-out" and the player must start again on their next turn.
Only one roll per turn. Play until one player has achieved the game objective.
Is there a video? Why yes, yes indeed there is!
How to Play Three or More
What you need:
- 5 dice
- 2 or more players, the more the better
Objective: to have the highest score at the end of a predetermined number of rounds. We prefer to play ten rounds.
Players take turns rolling all 5 dice. The goal is to roll at least 3 of a kind.
On a player's turn one of the following will happen:
- If the roll contains no matches, the score is zero and the player's turn is over.
- If the roll contains 3 or more of a kind the score is recorded and dice are passed to the next player.
- If the roll contains 2 of a kind, the player may re-roll the remaining three dice. If, after the second roll, there is not at least 3 of a kind, the score is zero. If the roll has 3, 4 or 5 of a kind, record the score.
Whoever has the highest score at the end of the predetermined number of rounds, wins.
Rolls score as follows:
- 3 of a kind = 3 points
- 4 of a kind = 6 points
- 5 of a kind = 12 points
Here's a video to show the game in action!
More Easy Dice Games for Kids and Families
I have plenty more dice games for kids on the blog, for full written instructions, click on the links below, or watch a video if available!
Play the Hawaiian dice game of Lu-Lu for some fun math practice.
Aces in the Pot is related to the well known LCR game.
Learn how to play Sevens!
Find out how to play Drop Dead here, (it's not as scary as the name!) or watch the video!
You definitely want to learn how to play Pig dice game (<<click on that link for more). This fun and easy dice game will teach kids how to take turns and be patient!
Read my post on how to play Martinetti. I also have the video, below if you prefer to watch.
Learn the rules of Sequences dice game here, and watch the video below!
Carol says
I love the idea of using dice to play games. In fact, I played math games with my students when I taught fourth grade. But your article was laced with ads. They jumped and changed to the degree that I could not focus on the content of your article. They interrupted the flow by appearing between sections of the games. So, instead of reaching the end and feeling enthusiastic and happy about the game suggestions, I felt very frustrated. ☹️
Erica says
You can always install an adblocker on your browser, but I have to earn money to pay my mortgage and the grocery store won't give me free food. 😉
Michele says
Amazing ideas, thanks so much. I'm so pleased I clicked on one if the ads 😉
Erica says
Andrew Smith says
Another great one my kids love is Farkle. super easy to learn and fun for the whole family.
Lisa Brummett says
I can't wait to try these new dice games! I get so many great ideas from your website - keep up the great work!
Erica says
Thanks, Lisa! Happy playing!
Shelly says
These look like a lot of fun! Dice games are fast & loud & fun - perfect to keep kids interested. Bonus that they're also keeping up on math skills 🙂 Is there a place where I can print the directions? I'd love to take these camping! Thanks!
Erica says
Thanks for the suggestion of printable instructions. Check the post tomorrow and hopefully I will have one for you!
Shelly says
Am I missing the printable instructions? I've checked both your Dice Game posts and subscribed to the newsletter (I got the waiting games, Thanks! We will use them this weekend!), but I still don't see where I can print the dice game instructions. On vacations we don't often have access to WiFi and/or our computer to look them up, so I would love a printed copy to take with us. Thanks! P.S. if it's here and I'm totally missing it, my apologies and thanks!
Erica says
At the bottom of the post is a box that says "Need Printable Game Instructions?" (Not to be confused with the box that says, "Want your kids to love being unplugged?" You will need to enter your email into that box and the pdf will get sent to your email inbox. I just tested it again to make sure it was working! You won't be subscribed twice. I'm sorry if it is confusing.
Erica says
If you are still having difficulty you can email me at erica [at] whatdowedoallday.com
Jennifer Bonnell says
Thank you so much for sharing! I tutor a first grader, and this will be perfect for him. Not only can you do these games for math skills, you can use them for other things! I will be doing the passages dice game this week. I’m going to play the game with him, but also have him write out the numbers of the dice he rolls. He has major issues with writing, spelling, etc. I’m so happy I found your post.
Erica says
That's so great! Enjoy!
Betsy Campbell says
I am a first year 6th grade teacher, and I am looking for things the students can do when they finish their assigned work. (I call it the "Fun and Done" basket.) These are great ideas to keep them thinking right up until the bell! Thanks so much for these great ideas.
Erica says
I'm glad you like them and I hope your students do, too!
Shannon says
Do you have a link to the dice you have pictured at the top? Love this as a stocking stuffer idea for my 5 year old.
Erica says
Aren't they gorgeous? I bought them at Amazon: https://amzn.to/2O7daum
Nicole says
Where are these beautiful dice from?
Erica says
Aren't they gorgeous? I bought them at Amazon: https://amzn.to/2O7daum
Toni says
Wow. These games are awesome!! I am looing for gmames on zoom and it gave me some idea for my zoom class! Thanks a lot!
Muriah says
Fantastic! I run an after school care program and simple games the students can play independently are always great. I'll be printing these up and adding them to my games area for sure.
Heather says
Thank you so much for the game ideas and printable instructions. Perfect for travel and vacations.
Erica says
Glad you like it!