It's time for a fall coloring page! This sweet apple tree coloring page featuring two mice apple picking and tapping a tree for cider is from children's book author and illustrator, Melanie Hope Greenberg.

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In addition to bringing this apple tree coloring page along for your next apple picking expedition, turn it into a puppet show! Cut out the apples, paste on craft sticks or straws and create a little story.
As I have done in the past, I tried my hand at creating a little ditty to go along with it. It's based on the "5 little pumpkins" rhyme and when you read it you should be very, very nice to me and then ask your kids to make up their own which will be infinitely better!
5 little apples waiting in a tree,
The first one said, "I'm red, as red can be!"
The second one said, "I'm yellow as the sun!"
The third one said, "Orange is best, come on it's time for fun!"
The fourth one whined, "I'm still too green and sour!"
The fifth one said, "Green apples give kids power!"
Then along came the kids, their baskets all in tow.
And down came the apples, each color quite a show.
More fun puppet coloring pages:
Meet the illustrator:
Melanie Hope Greenberg is an award winning author and illustrator of more than 15 children’s books. Her cheerful, vibrant illustrations can be found in books such as Good Morning, Digger, Down in the Subway and A City Is. Her very popular Mermaids on Parade was selected as a Bank Street Best Book, and for the Texas Reading Club and PBS Kids Summer Reading Lists.
*Terms of Service: this coloring page is used with permission from Melanie Hope Greenberg and is for non-commercial use ONLY. You many print out as many copies as you like for personal, library or classroom use. If you would like to share this coloring page, you MUST link to this blog page. It is expressly forbidden to link directly to the coloring page pdf file.
Sharon Bowler says
Hi I just joined your email list. I'm Sharon, mom to 4 girls ages 31,30,24, and 4, nearly 5. We homeschooled the first 3 "all the way through." It went well, we loved it and they all plan to homeschool when the time comes. They also all went to college and found themselves more prepared than their classmates. Then, when the 3rd daughter was 20 I took in a young, homeless, addict and her medically fragile infant. Long story short, that mom moved on and left the baby and we adopted her when she was 2. Now she is nearly 5 and we are gearing up to homeschool again! As you can see, I am not a rookie but I do love to read book lists and get new ideas. I had a wonderful crew of homeschooling mom friends before but they are all empty nesters now and while we are still friends, it's not the same. So I am growing a new crew of mom friends, most of whom are young enough to be my children, but I'm loving it. We do use netflix a bit, but we play, swim, hang out with friends, cook, etc most of the time.
Erica says
Hi Sharon! Welcome! Thanks so much for sharing your story! - Erica
dafik says
Thanjs for sharing... It definetly shows advantges for kids.. to teach about shape...
Mary Shah says
Very surprised at this illustration.
The tree, apples, mice are cute, and the poem is great.
But why do you have anyone tapping a tree for apple cider??
Maple trees get tapped in the spring.
Apples get crushed in the fall for apple cider!!
Erica says
Given that the coloring page features anthropomorphic mice, I think we'll let this one slide, 😉 especially since kids love to use their imagination. No need to be "very surprised". I don't think kids will spend their lives thinking apple cider comes from tree taps. 🙂