Make your own gelt for a fun and easy Hanukkah craft for kids!
Playing the dreidel game and collecting as much chocolate gelt as possible is a timeless Hanukkah tradition. Now that your kids have made their own dreidels, it's time for them to make their own gelt! (And not because you ate all the chocolate coins you bought last week. Oh, no, that is NOT the reason…)

Fortunately, this type of gelt will not require you to find specialty chocolate molds or figure out if you can get away with microwaving chocolate instead of melting it over the double boiler (who does that, anyway?).
MORE: Our favorite Hanukkah picture books
All kids look forward to receiving foil-wrapped chocolate gelt, but making paper coins is a fun and creative activity that uses way less sugar! Plus, if you are having a family gathering, making paper gelt is a fun Hanukkah party activity
You only need a few items, which you likely already have!
- Yellow, or golden-colored paper
- Markers, crayons or colored pencils
- Scissors
- Glue or glue stick (optional)
- Foil (optional)
- Stickers (optional)
Making paper gelt is very easy. First cut out circles from yellow paper, in various sizes to make the coins. Depending on the age of the child, an adult may need to help with this step.
Next, the kids decorate the coins with markers, crayons, colored pencils. We also like to cut foil and glue it onto the paper coins. Kids can also use stickers for decorations.
How to Use
Once kids have decided they've made enough paper coins, divide the coins up and use them to play the dreidel game. Sure, some kids have probably made more coins than others and may balk at having to share, but a little reminder that the coins get redistributed during the game will be all you need to calm them down.
You can use them in conjunction with chocolate gelt, or on their own. Let me tell you, trying to win large piles of these paper coins can actually be pretty motivating!
The coins are also a fun touch to add to Hanukkah cards. Set out the paper coins with glue and paper, and the kids have a simple Hanukkah card for the grandparents!
For another fun Hanukkah craft, check out our LEGO menorah, an easy, fire-free way for little kids to participate with lighting the candles on Hanukkah.
See more super duper easy Hanukkah crafts for kids!
Idea and photos from Carolyn, formerly of the blog, The Pleasantest Thing.
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