This simple dreidel made out of recycled materials is a super easy Hanukkah craft for kids. Every child loves spinning the dreidel and like most kids who celebrate the Festival of Lights, my boys have a slew of dreidels. Nevertheless, it's still fun to make your own (especially when it doesn't take much effort!).

I must confess that there is a certain tune I hum at this time of the year. My husband tells me that the Dreidel Song is the most annoying song in the world and it is always the non-Jews (like me) who sing it as soon as Hanukkah is mentioned.
Well, what can you expect? It's catchy. Despite what my husband says, I encourage you and your kids to sing it while you put together your own dreidels!
Dreidel Craft Instructions:
All you need is a 3 inch square of thin cardboard (reusing a cereal box is perfect). Divide into equal triangles, print the Hebrew letters in the triangles and poke a short pencil through the middle.
I wrote the letters on a piece of paper first so my son could copy them.
That's it! You're done.
Bring on the chocolate gelt! Or, make your own gelt!
We also made a pre-fab version. In general I am not a fan of pre-fab projects, but Kiddo received this dreidel kit as a gift and it has been lurking in the holiday box for years. I guess its time had come.
I was secretly gleeful that the pre-fab didn't work as well and as I had to do most of the work, the cardboard version was the winner.
"...and when it's dry and ready, then Dreidel I will play...." I just can't help it!
Need dreidel game instructions? Find out how to play dreidel here.
MORE: Don't forget to read these favorite Hanukkah books!
See all our Hanukkah ideas here!
writersideup says
another nice one, Erica 🙂 How do they spin? They would probably make nice hanging decor, too, I bet 😀
Erica MomandKiddo says
They worked great, which actually surprised me a little. I guess using that particular size is perfectly weighted for a pencil.
writersideup says
Glad to hear it 🙂 It's ALL about physics 🙂
maryanne @ mama smiles says
Love the simplicity of this!
Natalie says
Perfect craft for little hands. I am really looking forward to Hanukkah and to my parents' visit.
Stephanie Whittle says
Featuring your post this week on BMTM!!
Diane Salm says
have you tried it with a crayon INSTEAD OF PENCIL?
Erica says
No, let me know how it goes.