I said a boom chicka boom
I said a boom chicka rocka chicka rocka chicka boom
Do these lyrics sound familiar?
Then you've been on a summer camp bus!
Whether it's a camp day field trip, or heading away to sleep away camp, the camp bus is a familiar sight for many children during the summer.

Now the camp bus is driving up to pick up the kids with this adorable camp bus coloring page from children's book illustrator, Melanie Hope Greenberg.
Check out those kids enthusiastically singing! The coloring page features a bus full of singing children, and a smiling driver in a sunny, verdant landscape. You know everyone on that bus is headed for a good time!
Download and print: (by clicking on the following link you agree to our terms of service* see below) Camp bus coloring page
More summer fun coloring pages:
- Campfire coloring page - another singalong coloring page!
- Space alien coloring page
- Swimming pool coloring page
- Musical children coloring page
Meet the illustrator:
Melanie Hope Greenberg is an award winning author and illustrator of more than 15 children’s books. Whether or not she ever took the bus to camp, I don't know! Her cheerful book, Mermaids on Parade, which depicts the iconic Coney Island celebratory Mermaid Parade, was selected as a Bank Street Best Book, and for the Texas Reading Club and PBS Kids Summer Reading Lists.
Melanie also does wonderful school and library visits where she shares with children the process of writing and illustrating. Learn more about her teaching visits at her website.
*Terms of Service: this coloring page is used with permission from Melanie Hope Greenberg and is for non-commercial use ONLY. You many print out as many copies as you like for personal, library or classroom use. If you would like to share this coloring page, you MUST link to this blog page. It is expressly forbidden to link directly to the coloring page pdf file.
Jane Hillis says
Hello Erica, from a relatively new site visitor! I am a retired Literacy Specialist/Special Ed. Teacher of 30+ yrs, mother of Three (1 son, 2 daughters) and Grandmother in Chief to 7 and 1 in the "pipeline" to be delivered in Jan. 2019!! I married my college sweetheart in 1973 after meeting him at freshman orientation in 1971 when he asked to borrow a dime to call his girlfriend back home in Alabama!
I shared your blog with my daughter who is a Stay At Home Mama. She is a teacher as well but needed to stay home after the birth of her now 10 1/2 he old son born premature and diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. It has been a challenge for her and husband Josh because of worsening seizure activity and autistic like behaviors. The two of us are constantly putting our heads together looking for resources and activities that can be either used it adapted to meet James needs. DD ( Dear Daughter) is amazingly resilient and leaves no stone unturned when it comes to researching newest and best medical procedures, medications, adaptive games, exercises, etc.
Your blog has proven helpful in numerous ways and I'm Thankful for the time you put into offering up enrichment activities, book titles, science experiments, etc...
I understand special needs is not an area you find yourself in need of and for that I am grateful. Could you possibly provide some book titles for the TWEENS but written on lower reading level. Biographies, Classic s, etc...Older Children need more mature themes written on a lower level. This can be true in all populations and I think many of your readers would benefit from activities for the special needs population.
Thank you for all the effort you put into your blog. I recommend your blog to parents who are always asking me for resources and helpful blog sites!
My daughter has written several posts for The Mighty in the area of the challenges of parenting a special needs child as well as in adoption. After having James and unable to have another child, she and DSIL adopted a little boy and are adopting a little girl in Jan. Both children are local babies from young mothers DD mentored while they were in High School. Both mothers had no one to turn to when each became pregnant with a third child and sought out my DD for help OR to adopt their baby. It can Only be attributed to God's Hand .
All this to say, I am reading your blog diligently and sharing your excellent advice to other moms.
I have an inactive blog that I kept for 8-9 yrs before going to IG as my main social media source. I'm considering reviving the blog so I will give the address anyway.
Jane Ellen Hillis
Gamma Jane
Erica says
Hi Jane, Thanks for sharing your story. That's a good idea for a book list, I'll poke around and see what I can come up with.